The Best Robin Quotes

Robin: Why don't you shove it.
Susan: Don't you ever say that to me again.
Robin: Shove it. Shove it. Shove it.

Robin: I'm sorry Mrs. Rosen, I didn't mean it to sound like that.
Mrs. Belle Rosen: What, I miss something?
Robin: When I said I helped my dad pull in a 600 pound swordfish. I didn't mean that I thought you weighed that much.
Mrs. Belle Rosen: All that's going on and THAT'S what you're worried about?
Robin: Sure, what else?
Mrs. Belle Rosen: You're a good boy.
Robin: Tell my sister.

Robin: The third engineer promised to show me the propeller shaft!

Nonnie: [Deck behind the group is flooding rapidly] How long will we stay afloat?
James: Long enough
Robin: The Andrea Doria stayed afloat 10 hours before she sank.

Robin: Don't worry, Mrs. Rosen, I once helped my dad pull in a 600 pound swordfish in Hawaii.

Robin: Sis? Susan!
Susan: Robin! Reverend Scott!
[Everyone looks up and sees Susan clinging to the underside of a table]
Susan: [frightened] Can you help me?
Robin: How'd you get up there, sis?
Susan: That's a stupid question!