20 Best Rogo Quotes

Mike: This is the first trip since we got married, you know.
Linda: Yeah, and why we didn't fly I'll never know.

Mike: You better watch your language, Preacher. You sound like you come from the slum or something.
Linda: You son-of-a-bitch! Go help him!

Mike: She's got nothin' on underneath.
Linda: Just panties. What else do I need?

Reverend: Give her your shirt.
Mike: My shirt?
Linda: Come on!
Mike: Linda, next time you put something on, like I told you to put on!

James: What'll I tell the others?
Mike: Tell 'em to break out their hymnals and start singing "Nearer My God To Thee" !

Linda: We're sinking and nothings going to keep us from drowning.
Mike: Keep moving.

Nurse: They're suppositories Mr Rogo. You don't swallow them.
Mike: Then what the hell do you do with them?
Linda: For Christ's sake! I know what to do with suppositories. Just get them outta here!

Mrs. Linda Rogo: I saw a young officer on deck the other day, and he looked DAMN familiar... even with his clothes on.
Mike: So... he recognized ya, so?
Mrs. Linda Rogo: So doesn't that bother you?
Mike: If it bothered me, I wouldn'ta married ya.
Mrs. Linda Rogo: Well first you arrested me six times.
Mike: Well I had to figure out some way to keep you off the streets... until you'd marry me.

Mike: That preacher was right. That beautiful son of a bitch was right!

Mike: You took from me the only thing I ever loved in the whole world, my Linda.

Mike: Aww, Jesus!

Mike: You! Preacher! Murderer! I started to believe in your promises, that we had a chance. What chance?

Reverend: [Rogo has refused to help move the Christmas tree] You get your ass down here with us, mister, right away.
Mike: Hey... You oughta watch your language, Preacher. You sound like you come from the slum, or somethin'!
Linda: You son of a bitch, go help him!

Reverend: Through the kitchens and go deeper and deeper in the ship till we reach the hull. That way!
Mike: And you just kick out the botton and we swim ashore, huh?
Linda: Or maybe you could yell 'This is the police' and it'll open right up!
Mike: Don't be a smartass!

Mike: You! Preacher! You lyin', murderin', son of a bitch! You took from me the one thing I loved in the whole world! My Linda!

Mike: Ya had a lotta guts, lady... a lotta guts.

Mr. Manny Rosen: Something must have happened to them. I tell you. Belle would have signalled!
Mike: Okay. That does it. I'm going through to find out what's happened.
Linda: Oh no you're not! You'll drown too!
Mr. Manny Rosen: Let me go, Mr Rogo. It's my wife!
Linda: Let him go, Mike!
Mike: I'm going through. All of you stay put till I get back.
Linda: Mike, please!
Mike: Take it easy, baby. I'll be back.

Mike: Wait a minute! This is no goddamn engine room!
Linda: Then where the Hell are we?
Reverend: There was a corridor leading to the engine room.
Mr. Manny Rosen: But now it's underwater.
Reverend: All right. We'll swim through it. Give me the rope.
Linda: You've gotta be kidding!
Mike: She's right. If the corridor's underwater what about the engine room?
Reverend: It's in the clear. It's one deck up. It's above us. We'll swim through the bulkhead, down a short corridor and up a companionway. It can't be more than thirty five feet at the most.
Linda: Oh, is that all!
Reverend: We can do it. Trust me, we can do it!

Mike: Linda, Linda honey, you all right?
Mrs. Linda Rogo: Hi... where the hell have you been?
Mike: Where do you think? Flying around on my ass.

Mike: That's enough outa you, Mister.