The Best Linarcos Quotes

Mr. Linarcos: I did not suggest full ahead, Captain. As the new owner's representative on this ship, I ordered it!
Captain: Damn it man, the Poseidon is too fine a lady to be rushed to the junkyard on her last voyage!
Mr. Linarcos: We're already three days behind schedule! And it's costing my consortium thousands of dollars every day to maintain a wrecking crew. I demand we dock Monday night!
Captain: And I can't afford to gamble with the lives of my passengers!
Mr. Linarcos: Your business is to deliver this ship, where we want it, WHEN we want it!
Captain: Running an unstable ship at full ahead is dangerous!
Mr. Linarcos: I'm sure...
Captain: Especially one as old as this!
Mr. Linarcos: I'm sure I don't have to remind you of my legal right to have you relieved of command. Three other officers aboard this ship have their Master's License. Now, order Full Ahead!