The Best Ulrich Mühe Quotes

Hauptmann: An innocent prisoner will become more angry by the hour due to the injustice suffered. He will shout and rage. A guilty prisoner becomes more calm and quiet. Or he cries. He knows he's there for a reason. The best way to establish guilt or innocence is non-stop interrogation.

Hauptmann: Hands under your thighs. Palms down... What do you have to tell us?
Prisoner: I haven't done anything .. I don't know anything.
Hauptmann: You have done nothing... know nothing... . so you think we just arrest innocent citizens on a whim?
Prisoner: No... not
Hauptmann: If you think our humane system is capable of something like that, that would be a reason enough to arrest you

[Wiesler enters the elevator at his apartment building. A young boy with a ball joins him]
Junge: Are you really with the Stasi?
Hauptmann: Do you even know what the Stasi is?
Junge: Yes. They're bad men who put people in prison, says my dad.
Hauptmann: I see. What is the name of your...
Junge: My what?
Hauptmann: [thinks for a few more seconds] Ball. What's the name of your ball?
Junge: You're funny. Balls don't have names.

Hauptmann: Madam?
Christa: Go away. I want to be alone.
Hauptmann: Madam Sieland?
Christa: Do we know each other?
Hauptmann: You don't know me, but I know you. Many people love you for who you are.
Christa: Actors are never "who they are."
Hauptmann: You are. I've seen you on stage. You were more who you are than you are now.
Christa: So you know what I'm like.
Hauptmann: I'm your audience.
Christa: I have to go.
Hauptmann: Where to?
Christa: I'm meeting an old classmate. I...
Hauptmann: You see? Just now, you weren't being yourself.
Christa: No?
Hauptmann: No.
Christa: So you know her well, this Christa-Maria Sieland. What do you think - would she hurt someone who loves her above all else? Would she sell herself for art?
Hauptmann: For art? You already have art. That'd be a bad deal. You are a great artist. Don't you know that?
Christa: And you are a good man.

Hauptmann: Socialism has to start somewhere.

[last lines]
Buchverkäufer: 29.80. Would you like it gift wrapped?
Hauptmann: No. It's for me.