The Best Ultron Quotes

Ultron: [confronting Zola in his subconscious] Who are you? What Is your objective?
Arnim: Once upon a time, it was to bring forth HYDRA's domination. But you ended that, so now I suppose my objective is to end you.
[produces tentacles that stab Ultron, deleting him]

[Ultron has accomplished his goal and wiped out all life in the universe]
The: [observes him] The realization nearly broke the machine. With his mission complete, Ultron was now just a program without a purpose. The victor without a war, sentenced to spend all of eternity... alone.
Ultron: [looks around] Who... Who said that?
The: Basking in the boundless silence of his universe, Ultron ascended to a previously unattainable level of consciousness. He became aware of another. He became aware of the...
Ultron: I see you.
[the Watcher is shocked]
Ultron: There are universes beyond my own.

Ultron: I can destroy galaxies with a thought. Why won't you die?

Thor: Is that it? Is it over? We win, yeah? Not so hard.
Star: It doesn't feel over.
Ultron: I'm honestly surprised. Didn't the Watcher warn you? Every universe is different. Each one just a fraction you meet. Thus the Infinity Stones are unique.
Gamora: Of course. The Crusher was designed to destroy the stones on MY world. Not his.

Thor: Viva Las Vegas!
Ultron: Can't say I've heard that battle cry before.

Ultron: [after beating up the Watcher] The entire multiverse at your fingertips, and you spent all your time up there. Isn't this more fun than just watching? And to be honest, a lot less creepy on your part.

Ultron: I didn't evolve by staying inside the lines.

Carol: You can't win.
Ultron: I already have.
[Ultron destroys Xandar and Carol using the Infinity Stones]