The Best Vector Quotes

Vector: Don't you think it's time for you to go to Zalem?
Chiren: What i want is not there.

Vector,7705: [on Alita] She is disrupting the natural order of things she must be destroyed

Vector: [from the trailer] She is the last of her kind
Vector: [from the trailer] Tonight is not a game... it is a hunt I'm offering 50,000 to whoever destroys the girl called Alita
Vector: You destroyed Grewishka... my champion

Vector,7705: [staring at his stab wound given by Alita] That... looks... fatal

Vector: [to Zapan] I need to to destroy a girl called Alita.

Alita: You made the biggest mistake of your life.
Vector: And what's that?
Alita: Underestimating who I am.

Kinuba: Vector! I should have known!
Vector: What you should have known, my friend, is that nobody is greater than the game.