The Best Vladislav Dukhovich Quotes

[Kincaid corners Dukhovich on the roof. He shoots at Dukhovich's leg. Dukhovich collapses, crying in pain. Kincaid approaches him]
Darius: Up on the ledge, dookie man.
[Dukhovich does not comply. He groans in pain]
Darius: You heard me, bitch! Up on the ledge!
[painfully, Dukhovich sits on the ledge. He looks at Kincaid and chuckles nastily]
Vladislav: [venomously] The look on your face. You're so proud. Darius Kincaid, about to be a hero, save the day. None of that matters. There is no redemption, no atonement for a man like you. Your whole life has been but a trail of corpses, and I will be just another dead body on the pile! Go ahead! Finish me! But don't think for a moment it will change what you are.
[Kincaid stares at Dukhovich for a moment, then bursts out laughing]
Darius: I don't give a fuck about all of that!
[Kincaid stops laughing and gazes at Dukhovich grimly]
Darius: You fucked up when you shot my bodyguard.
[a: Dukhovich shoots at Kincaid. Bryce saves Kincaid's life by shielding him, getting himself injured by the bullet meant for Kincaid]
Vladislav: [confused] Who?
[Kincaid kicks Dukhovich off the roof to his death]

Darius: You fucked up when you shot my bodyguard.
Vladislav: ...Who?
[Kincaid kicks Dukhovich off the roof to his death]