The Best Sonia Kincaid Quotes

Sonia: Say my age, bitch.

Sonia: I would make a great mother, don't you think?
Michael: Oh, my God. A child would be so lucky to have you as its host.
Sonia: Thank you. It must be your powerful asexuality that makes you such a good listener.

[after massacring the nightclub]
Sonia: [in a fake British accent] Breese, I'm famished. Shall we go now?
Michael: Still Mexican.

Sonia: I think you're obsessed with my boobs!
Michael: Your boobs? I never said anything about your boobs!

[last lines]
Sonia: Oh, baby, it's so romantic that you broke out of prison for our anniversary.
Darius: No way was I gonna miss it this year, Corazón.
Sonia: Ay, mi cucaracha.
Darius: Happy anniversary.
Sonia: Happy anniversary, motherfucker.

[after being rescued by Sonia, Darius realizes that Bryce is there as well]
Darius: Baby! What in the absolute fuck is Michael Bryce doing here?
Sonia: You said, "Baby, get me Michael Breese!"
Darius: No! No, no, no. I said, "Baby, got get anyone BUT Michael Bryce!"

[Sonia becomes ferocious after an arms dealer calls her old]
Sonia: [yelling] What the fuck did you just say, you finger-licking shit-monkey, donkey-blowing motherfucker?
[continues cursing in Spanish]
Michael: That sounded really Mexican!

Aristotle: You! Motherfucker!
Darius: That's right, papa dick-less. You gotta earn the right to call us motherfuckers.
Darius: Motherfucker!

Michael: Are you people fucking insane?
Sonia: Hey! Watch your mouth! I picked you up from the street, saved you from sunstroke, and now you're calling me insane?
Michael: Sunstroke? You could go to jail for leaving a dog in a hot car. And don't get me started on the psychological ramifications of what I heard you two doing.

Sonia: I need you to protect us. We're trying to have a baby.
Michael: May God have mercy on our souls.

Darius: You made a shank yet?
Sonia: What for?
Darius: It's prison, baby. You gotta protect yourself.
Sonia: It's a Dutch prison, Darius! What are they gonna do, beat me with a clog?

[last lines]
Sonia: [to Michael] My baby cucaracha, you just signed the adoption papers.
Darius: The what?
Michael: The adoption papers.
Sonia: You are now our son!

Sonia: [strutting] I'm not on sabbatical.
Michael: Where is your shirt?