The Best Wally Donovan Quotes

Wally: You know I think what you do is fascinating Laura? And I wouldn't be one of those husbands who don't let their wives work, no sir. I'd want to help you with it!
Laura: Oh, what a generous offer Wally.
Wally: And I wouldn't hog the spotlight like that show-off boss of yours does. I know how hard you work. I watch you every night in your loft pouring over those papers into the wee small hours. That would be another reason why we would be good together - I can't sleep at night either.
[distant sirens]
Wally: What's that?
Laura: Probably just Fire Engines. Your a... your a very good photographer, those are excellent pictures. Did you study photography?
Wally: That's what they let me do when I wasn't answering all those questions.