The Best Warden Delaire Quotes

Warden: Shut up. We've got an order to reduce overcrowding. But let me be clear. You mouth off to one guard, we catch you with the single cafeteria tray in your cell, you break any rules I can't even remember - you can park your ass here for four more months. So forget being sorry! Can you stay out of trouble for 5 days?
Dr. Gregory House: [brief pause] Yes.

[first lines]
Warden: Giving good... ish behaviour in eight of twelve months time served we have the discretion to grant parole Friday the 10, five days from now. Are you sorry about what you did?
Dr. Gregory House: Yes.
Warden: Yes?
Dr. Gregory House: That's the right answer, it isn't?
Case: Are you trying to annoy us?