The Best Ace Speck Quotes

Ace: [as Dr. Schultz questions Django] Hey! Stop talking to him like that.
Dr. King Schultz: [looks to Ace] Like what?
Ace: Like that.
Dr. King Schultz: My dear sir, I am simply trying to ascertain...
Ace: Speak English, goddamn it.
Dr. King Schultz: Everybody calm down. I'm simply a customer trying to conduct a transaction.
Ace: I don't care. No sale. Now off with you.
Dr. King Schultz: Oh don't be ridiculous. Of course they're for sale.
Ace: [points shotgun at Schultz] Move it.
Dr. King Schultz: My good man, did you simply get carried away with your dramatic gesture, or are you pointing your weapon at me with lethal intention?
Ace: [cocks shotgun] Last chance, fancy pants.
Dr. King Schultz: Oh well, very well.
[pulls out pistol and shoots Ace and Dicky's horse]