The Best Aggressive Actress Quotes

Eric: Thanks for coming with me, Mr. Feeny. It would've been so uncool if my parents came.
George: Well, I'm just here to see that you get settled. Now, remember. Keep both your feet on the ground. This town is swimming with sharks.
Eric: Hey! Stop attacking my town. The people here are real down to earth. Real kindly folk.
[Aggressive Actress slams her golf cart into theirs]
Aggressive: Hey! Get out of my space!
Eric: Hey, there's one of them now. Hi, nice person!
Aggressive: What do I have to do? Call my attorney? Get out of my space!
[with one final shove Eric and Feeny's golf cart moves and Aggressive Actress pulls into the space]
Aggressive: Thank you!
George: You're welcome. And who might you be, little girl?
Aggressive: I'm not a little girl. I'm forty-two! I just play little girls on TV!
[She walks by and pinches Eric on the rear]
Aggressive: Hello!