The Best Lindsay Ridgeway Quotes

Morgan: I'm sorry, Daddy. I grew up. I won't do it again!

Morgan: Yeah, come on, guys, let's go. Time is money. See you in four years.
[she starts to leave the room]
Cory: I'll miss you, Morgan.
Morgan: That's not fair!
[she runs into a hug with Cory]

Morgan: [singing one of Corrina's songs] And he doesn't like girls 'cuz he's afraid of them, afraid of them, I think he likes boys if you know what I'm saying.

Morgan: Cory?
Cory: Alright, Morgan, kick me when I'm down.
Morgan: I thought what you did for Topanga was really sweet. I hope someday a boy does that for me.

Cory: [Morgan Matthews hadn't been seen for eight months and eight days at this point when it originally aired] You know, why can't you guys learn from Morgan? She is a great sister. I mean, she stays in her room, you don't hear from her, you don't see her, and best of all, she stays out of my personal life.
Morgan: [Comes down the stairs] So, the rumor upstairs is you got a date.
Cory: Morgan, long time, no see!
Morgan: Yeah, that was the longest timeout I've ever had!

Amy: Cor, it's six o'clock. You're in your pajamas. Is everything okay?
Cory: I don't wanna talk about it.
Morgan: Cory and Shawn had a fight. Shawn dumped him.
Cory: Now, nobody got dumped. We just agreed not to see each other for awhile.
Morgan: You believed that?

Amy: Are you here now?
Morgan: Yeah.
Amy: Were you here before?
Morgan: No. I was in my room for a *really* long time.

Amy: Someone from school called. A Lionel.
Morgan: [to Cory] Is that your new boyfriend?
Cory: He-he's just this guy from school. If he calls again, just tell him I'm not home.
Morgan: That's no way to treat him! He'll dump you too!

Eric: Thanks for coming with me, Mr. Feeny. It would've been so uncool if my parents came.
George: Well, I'm just here to see that you get settled. Now, remember. Keep both your feet on the ground. This town is swimming with sharks.
Eric: Hey! Stop attacking my town. The people here are real down to earth. Real kindly folk.
[Aggressive Actress slams her golf cart into theirs]
Aggressive: Hey! Get out of my space!
Eric: Hey, there's one of them now. Hi, nice person!
Aggressive: What do I have to do? Call my attorney? Get out of my space!
[with one final shove Eric and Feeny's golf cart moves and Aggressive Actress pulls into the space]
Aggressive: Thank you!
George: You're welcome. And who might you be, little girl?
Aggressive: I'm not a little girl. I'm forty-two! I just play little girls on TV!
[She walks by and pinches Eric on the rear]
Aggressive: Hello!

[last lines]
Alan: Hey, Morgan, we have a pretty good relationship. Right?
Morgan: I guess so.
Alan: We talk. Right?
Morgan: Yeah.
Alan: And we have fun. Right?
Morgan: Yeah?
Alan: I should've had all girls.
[he high fives Morgan and takes her into a hug]

Morgan: Hey, Mom, you gonna help me do my hair, or what?
Alan: [standing up from the couch excitedly] Hey, Morgan, how about I help you do your hair?
Morgan: Are you kidding me?
Alan: [sits back down, dejected] Yes, I am kidding you.

Morgan: Oh, daddy dearest.
Mr. B: Yes, snowflake?
Morgan: There's something you gotta see!
[She shows Mr. B a newspaper. On the front page is a picture of Cory and headline that says, "Curly-headed Spy On The Lam". Everyone stares at Cory]
Cory: It's not true!
Mr. B: Of course it's not!
[He picks up the phone]
Mr. B: FBI? J. Edgar Hoover please. J. Edgar! Tom. Yeah, I'm here with Anson Williams and the russian spy. Uh, ixnay on the otsie pay.
Morgan: You're going to jail, spy!
Mr. B: Now, now Morgan. He may be a russian spy but until they come and haul him off, he's still our guest.

Topanga: Cut the crap. At least Morgan was honest. Well that's it. If you guys can't put on these dresses and get caught up in the magic of my southern belle wedding then... Who needs y'all?
Morgan: You're from Philadelphia, stupid!

Morgan: I was very selfish and inconsiderate yesterday. This is your wedding so I'm going to tell you the truth.
[Morgan turns to Shawn - smiles then turns back to Topanga]
[Alan puts his hand over Morgan's mouth, and drags her away]

Morgan: You're only making me go to bed early because I'm your sister.
Cory: No, I'm making you go to bed because I'm your brother.

Cory: [to Topanga] Where have you been? I mean, today was the day we were supposed to talk about our plans for Valentine's Day. You knew that.
Topanga: Morgan called me. She needed a ride home from school.
Cory: Morgan, why did you call her? Why didn't you call Mom? You know today's the day before Valentine's Day. You know I am trying to get the focus back on Cory and Topanga.
Morgan: Mom forgot about me again just like she forgot to buy the Valentines for me to hand out at school which is why Bobby Porterfield thinks I don't like him which is why he didn't invite me to his party tomorrow night. I'm very sad about this.
Topanga: Hey.
Cory: No.
Topanga: Why don't we invite Morgan to spend Valentine's Day with us?
Cory: No, no! Do you want to hear what my answer is?
Topanga: No! Cory, this party was very important to your sister. With the new baby coming, she's feeling very excluded.
Cory: You know who else feels excluded? Me!
Topanga: This is your sister.
Cory: That's why I never asked her out on a date.

Cory: Well, that was one great party, huh?
[to Topanga]
Cory: All right, now go get on your Valentine's Day clothes.
Topanga: Cory, I'm not going out.
Cory: What do you mean you're not going out?
Topanga: All I wanted to do was something nice for your family.
Cory: Why?
Topanga: Because they're going to be my family too someday.
Cory: Right. They're going to be your family too someday. You know why?
Topanga: Why?
Cory: Me.
Topanga: What?
Cory: Me. You want to get to them, you go through me. We had plans together, and I will not stand...
[Topanga is about to head upstairs]
Cory: Where'd she go?
Topanga: Sometimes plans change, Cory.
[goes upstairs]
Morgan: [as she opens the door for Cory] Take a hike, screw-up.