The Best Al D'Andrea Quotes

Al: You okay?
Frank: [in his apartment] No, I'm not okay. I'm sick, I'm tired, and I'm armed too, so be careful.
Al: You're also maybe a genius.
Frank: Huh - not to be recognized in this lifetime.

C.I.A. Agent David Coppinger: Leary is what we nowadays call a wet boy.
Al: [in Leary's home] What's a wet boy, Frank?
Frank: Leary's an assassin.
Al: Oh, Jesus.
C.I.A. Agent David Coppinger: In Leary's case, that's putting it too gently. He's more like a predator.

[first lines]
Al: [running late while driving in his car] Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, Frank, thank God. Thank God. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead.

Frank: What do you know about the guy?
Walter: [in his work shop] Well, d'you see this wheelchair? Mitch bought it for me. Cost over $1,000. See this?
[holds up gun]
Al: Whoa, whoa, take it easy now...
Walter: This is in case he ever comes back.

Al: [while driving in his car] I don't know, maybe I'm... maybe I'm just wrong for the job.
Frank: You're a good man, Al. You'll make a good agent.
Al: How do you know? This is the longest conversation we've ever had.
Frank: I know things about people.