The Best Lilly Raines Quotes

[Lilly's wearing an evening dress,during dinner at the French embassy]
Lilly: What are you looking at?
Frank: I was just wondering where you hide your firearm. Don't tell me, let me guess.

[Horrigan and Leary are in a glass elevator. Sharpshooters are in place to take out Leary but can't see the target because the lights in the elevator are out. Horrigan is on the floor while Leary is standing over him and pointing a gun at him. Unbeknownst to Leary, Horrigan has a microphone concealed in his hand and is transmitting]
Frank: Go ahead and shoot, dammit.
Lilly: They can't see inside. If they fire, you'll be hit.
Mitch: I want you to thank me first, Frank.
Frank: Shut up and shoot.
Lilly: All right, Frank.
Mitch: All right, Frank.
Lilly: Shooters, stand by to fire. Wait for my command.
Mitch: [cocks gun] Sleep well, my friend.
Frank: Just one thing: aim high.
Mitch: What?
Lilly: Aim high.
Frank: Now!
Mitch: [sees the microphone and realizes Horrigan has been talking to Raines] You bastard!
Lilly: Fire.
[glass is shattered by gunfire. Leary is forced to duck, giving Horrigan an opportunity to grapple with him]

Lilly: I heard you and Nixon didn't get along.
Frank: [in the hotel bar while playing the piano] Now, that's not true. His chief of staff, though, that was a different story. I remember one time, he wanted me to go out and get rid of some anti-war protestors. I said no, talking about the Bill of Rights and so on. And he says, "look, when I'm talking to you, I am the President." I said, "The President? That's funny, you look more like a sack of shit in a cheap suit to me, sir!"
Lilly: [laughs] Well, I like the "sir." It's a classy touch.
Frank: I thought so.

Sam: [at the airport being greeted by Sam and sourounded by reporters] Frank, the President sent his limo for you.
Lilly: Well, that's the least he could do.
Frank: Good. I love public transportation.

Frank: [while sitting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial] I've never worked with a female agent before. How many are there?
Lilly: About 125.
Frank: Mm. Pure window dressing.
Lilly: Excuse me?
Frank: Window dressing. About 125 out of a little over 2,000. They have you all around so that the President can look good to his feminist voters.
Lilly: Do you make an effort to be obnoxious, or is it a gift?
Frank: It's a gift. Let's face it, half the things we do are window dressing. Take running alongside that limousine: it'd take an anti-tank missile to put a dent in that damn thing. There we are, out for show, trying to make the President look more presidential.

Lilly: [in a conference room] What makes you think he'll call again?
Frank: Oh, he'll call again. He's got, uh, "panache."
Lilly: Panache?
Frank: Yeah, it means flamboyance.
Lilly: Mm, I know what it means.
Frank: Really? I had to look it up.

[last lines while sitting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial]
Frank: I'll bet you that brown pigeon down there flies off before the white one.
Lilly: How do you know?
Frank: I know things about pigeons, Lilly.

Lilly: [while on board Air Force One] The President was humiliated.
Frank: He's alive, isn't he?
Lilly: Yeah, well, we're here to safeguard his dignity as well.
Frank: I'm not paid for that.
Lilly: What about the time Kennedy's girlfriend was caught in the White House and you said she was with you?
Frank: Don't you go believing every rumor someone tells you.
Lilly: Frank, Wilder told me the whole story. About how you were suspended a month without pay. I'd say that was safeguarding his dignity.
Frank: That was different. *He* was different.
Lilly: Maybe you were different.
Frank: I was different. The whole damn country was different. Everything would be different right now too if I'd been half as a paranoid as I am today. Fuck.

Frank: [while on duty] How's the First Lady? She ask about me?
Lilly: Have you gotten to know them yet?
Frank: Well, I normally prefer not to get to know the people I'm protecting.
Lilly: Oh, yeah? Why's that?
Frank: Well, you never know. You might decide they're not worth taking a bullet for.

Frank: [after someone called the paramedics by playing a prank on him] Okay, who's the joker?
Lilly: It may not have been a joke, you were looking kind of peaked out there.
Frank: Well, when I find out who it was, I'm gonna pay him back in spades.
Lilly: What makes you think it was a *him*?
[walks away]

Frank: [in a conference room] Well, the secretaries get prettier and prettier.
Lilly: And the field agents get older and older.
Sam: Lilly's an agent, Frank.
Frank: I knew that. I just wanted to see if she had a sense of humor.

Frank: [while on board Air Force One] So you had an affair with an agent, and it came out badly.
Lilly: He wasn't an agent.
Frank: But he left you because you wouldn't quit your job. You were broken-hearted.
Lilly: I left him, Frank, because I wouldn't quit my job for him. And it did break my heart.
Frank: You vowed never again to ever let a man come between you and your career.
Lilly: No...
Frank: Except... now you're in love with me, and it screws your little head up.
Lilly: Frank, blow your nose. Here.
Frank: Sorry. What were to happen if I, uh, gave up my job for you?
Lilly: Why would you do that?
Frank: Well, maybe I vowed to never again let my career come between me and a woman.

Lilly: [to Frank while sitting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial] Well, time flies when you're being annoyed.