The Best Hunter Quotes

Hunter: [in the woods near a pond] Was that you shooting?
Mitch: Yes.
Hunter: What the hell kind of gun is that?
Mitch: Something I made.
Hunter: No kidding? You made it? Guess it beats paying for it, huh? Can I see it?
Mitch: Yeah.
Hunter: Shit, it's light. What's it made of?
Mitch: It's composite, like plastic.
Hunter: Pretty neat. You, uh, you mind if I give her a little dance?
Mitch: Not at all.
[the hunter shoots a duck]
Hunter: That is great! That is really great! You, uh, wouldn't be interested in selling her, would ya?
Mitch: No, I need it.
Hunter: For what?
Mitch: To assassinate the president.
[the hunters laugh]
Hunter: What would you wanna do that for, mister?
Mitch: Why did you kill that bird, asshole?
[proceeds to nonchalantly kill both of the hunters with his gun]