The Best Anna Camp Quotes

Candace: Okay, I'm just gonna come out and say it. This is a singing competition. I don't know how those deaf kids got in. They weren't singing; they were, like, honking and everyone was crying and I was, like, "Get off the stage. You're terrible and you're making me super uncomfortable."
Rod: Now, hold on just a second, Candy. Those Haverhurst kids twice had me reaching for my handkerchief, and those Jane Addams girls had it going on in all the right places.
Donna: Can I just say something? I have no idea what the hell I'm doing here. I'm serious. I don't understand what a glee club is, and I have never even heard the term "show choir" until about three hours ago when my boss told me he had tickets to NASCAR and I had to fill in at this fool event.

Mindy: I cannot keep hooking up with Jeremy and then later asking him, "Hey what's our deal anyway?"
Gwen: That British guy? He is bad news!
Mindy: We do not know that he is bad news. I think he has a good heart. I think he is Hugh Grant in 'About a Boy.'
Gwen: I think that he is Hugh Grant in real life!

Sarah: When the vampires came out of the coffin, I went with my big sister Amber to march for their equal rights.
Jason: Really?
Sarah: Two months later, Amber disappeared. Got hooked on V. I know they killed her. Got rid of her body in whatever way they do.
Jason: Well, I'm sorry.

Gwen: Well your life is not a romantic comedy. Right now it seems more like a sad documentary about a criminally insane spinster.
Mindy: It kind of sounds like I'd win an Oscar though.

Sarah: We have to go tell Steve.
Jason: What?
Sarah: Vow of honesty, Jason. Just 'cause I broke my vows to my husband doesn't mean I'm ready to throw all my beliefs out the window.
Jason: Hold on a sec. We just can't walk in there and tell him.
Sarah: No, we have to. Somehow, someday, God will forgive us. It's the only way we can have a future together.
Jason: Let's just think about this for a second. A: Steve has guns. Then there's the lockdown tomorrow night. And secondly, we're gonna be locked in this church with Steve and his guns all night.

Sarah: You're worse than Judas!
Jason: Why? What'd he do to you?
Sarah: [She rolls her eyes] Fuck you!
[She shoots him in the crotch with a paintball gun]

Sarah: You Stackhouses are nothing but a bunch of heartless... two-faced... vampire-fuckers!

Sarah: Grow a brain cell!

Sarah: We are fighting for God's green earth and daytime and Christmas and Easter eggs and all that's sacred and good.

Jason: I'm alive. Holy shit. God saved me. I'm saved.
Sarah: Oh, for heaven's sake, grow a brain cell. Paintballs!

Sarah: Keep in mind that your ring is made out of pure silver. Protect it with your heart because one day it might protect you.

Sarah: [in tears] I wanted this every bit as much as you did and the strange thing is, I don't even feel guilty about it.
Jason: So you're cryin' 'cause...
Sarah: Because I'm so happy!

Donna: Those Jane Addams girls, I'll be damned if I didn't apportion hundreds of thousands of taxpayers' dollars to that school so they can parade their behinds around like a bunch of hoochie hos.
Candace: The McKinley group was good, but didn't seem all that rehearsed, but I liked their energy.
Rod: Well, I have to admit I have a soft spot for the Rolling Stones. I was at Altamont Speedway in '69. I actually saw that guy get stabbed. Can't get that image out of my noggin to this day.
Donna: I seriously don't know what either one of you are talking about. I have never been so bored. I mean, if I had to pick a group that I hated the least...
Artie: [listening through the door with a glass to his ear] It doesn't sound good, guys.

Sarah: You came to prey on me. To ruin the sacred vow I made to my husband and then, like a coward, you ran!
Jason: No, I didn't... Okay, I ran. But it wasn't from you. It was from your husband and his crazy weapon collection. Why'd you have to go and tell him?
Sarah: Tell him? I didn't have to tell him anything. He's the one who told me!
Jason: [getting to his feet] Wait, wait. Wait, wait. Told you what?
Sarah: There are wolves in our hen house. We must defend our flock.
Jason: What's that got to do with...
Sarah: We have your sister!
Jason: Sookie's in the church?
Sarah: She came in yesterday, spoutin' the same lies you told!
Jason: Now you listen to me. She's got nothin' to do with this.
Sarah: You Stackhouses... you're nothin' but a buncha heartless, two-faced vampire fuckers!
Jason: [shoves her down] Don't you ever talk about my sister like that! If I find out any of you so much as touched her, I'm gonna come back here and it won't be with no fuckin' paint gun!
[drives away in the cart]