The Best Rod Remington Quotes

Josh: I thought that brunette had an amazing voice.
Olivia: Brunettes have no place in show business.
Sue: Come on. They're just kids.
Olivia: That's no excuse. By the time I was fourteen, I'd already formed a band. When Josh Groban was their age, he was already in the Mickey Mouse Club or something.
Sue: Well, as the only educator here, let me point out that not all kids are afforded the same opportunities as others.
Olivia: Is that what you tell yourself to get to sleep at night? Some people just simply don't have talent. You think you're a celebrity. You're not. You just try hard. That's about it.
Rod: Olivia Newton-John has a valid point here. You have a lot in common with those kids at your school, Sue. Underachievers with delusions of grandeur.
Josh: Dagnabbit! Now even I have to admit I'm a little confused as to what Sue is doing in this room. Wasn't the theme tonight supposed to be celebrity judges?
Sue: Kiss my ass, Josh Groban! I am an internationally ranked cheerleading coach!
Olivia: Who lives in Ohio. When this is done today, Josh and I are flying back to L.A. first class. You'll be staying here. Just like those kids. I think we've all made up our minds. Let's vote.

Candace: Okay, I'm just gonna come out and say it. This is a singing competition. I don't know how those deaf kids got in. They weren't singing; they were, like, honking and everyone was crying and I was, like, "Get off the stage. You're terrible and you're making me super uncomfortable."
Rod: Now, hold on just a second, Candy. Those Haverhurst kids twice had me reaching for my handkerchief, and those Jane Addams girls had it going on in all the right places.
Donna: Can I just say something? I have no idea what the hell I'm doing here. I'm serious. I don't understand what a glee club is, and I have never even heard the term "show choir" until about three hours ago when my boss told me he had tickets to NASCAR and I had to fill in at this fool event.

Donna: Those Jane Addams girls, I'll be damned if I didn't apportion hundreds of thousands of taxpayers' dollars to that school so they can parade their behinds around like a bunch of hoochie hos.
Candace: The McKinley group was good, but didn't seem all that rehearsed, but I liked their energy.
Rod: Well, I have to admit I have a soft spot for the Rolling Stones. I was at Altamont Speedway in '69. I actually saw that guy get stabbed. Can't get that image out of my noggin to this day.
Donna: I seriously don't know what either one of you are talking about. I have never been so bored. I mean, if I had to pick a group that I hated the least...
Artie: [listening through the door with a glass to his ear] It doesn't sound good, guys.

Sue: Newton-John? You're dead to me. Remington, Horsey, have a seat and listen up. I don't care who comes in first, I don't care who places second, but I have a very strong opinion about who comes in third.
Rod: Sue, if I may. That "Bohemian Rhapsody" had me a-movin' and a-shakin', and I'm talking old school. You know, I partied with Freddie Mercury back in the '70s, and I partied... hard, if you know what I mean. Back then, people weren't so obsessed with labels.
Olivia: I, for one, was offended that only one of the groups chose to honor me in song. I think Aural Intensity should win.
Sue: [Josh raises his hand] Yes?
Josh: Two questions. One, are you single? And two, how about those New Directions? I liked them. I thought they had a lot of... heart.
Olivia: Heart? Oh, please. Talk about blatant tokenism. That whole "we're inspiring, we're a ragtag bunch of misfits" thing is so 2009.
Sue: I couldn't agree more. Let's vote.