Top 30 Quotes From Blaine Anderson

Kurt: We're young, so we got all the time in the world to get adventurous.
Blaine: Don't you think now is the time to be adventurous? While we're still young.

Kurt: Are you not drinking?
Finn: No, designated driver. What about you?
Kurt: I'm still trying to impress Blaine. Can't get to sloppy.
Blaine: [dances wildly in background]
Kurt: Clearly, he doesn't have the same concern.
Blaine: [walks up and hangs on Finn] Hey, hey, it's so cool that you and Kurt are brothers. Right? Brothers! Wow! You're so tall.
Kurt: You having fun Blaine?
Blaine: Yeah, it's the BEST PARTY EVER!

Blaine: I love you.
Kurt: [pauses before answering] I love you, too.

Blaine: If he and I got married, the Gap would give me a 50 percent discount.

Blaine: Blaine Anderson: "You move me, Kurt."

Kurt: [to Blaine] I'm just wondering, have you ever had the urge just to rip off each other's clothes and get dirty?
Blaine: Uh, yeah, but that's why they invented masturbation.

Blaine: [after kissing Kurt] We should practice.
Kurt: I thought we were.

Kurt: It's very civilized for you to invite me for coffee before you beat me up for spying.
Wes: We are not going to beat you up.
David: You were such a terrible spy, we thought it was sort of... endearing.
Blaine: Which made me think that spying on us wasn't really the reason you came.
Kurt: Can I ask you guys a question? Are you guys all gay?
[Blaine, Wes, and David all share a laugh]
Blaine: Uh, uh, no. I mean, I am, but these two have girlfriends.
David: This is not a gay school. We just have a zero tolerance harassment policy.
Wes: Everybody gets treated the same, no matter what they are. It's pretty simple.

Sam: [to Blaine] Hey dude, uh, now that you made me over, can I give you some advice?
Blaine: Yeah, sure.
Sam: Lose the bow tie.
Blaine: What?
Sam: Trust me. It makes you look uptight and a little like a young Orville Redenbacher.

Blaine: Brittany, I'm sorry, but I won fair and square. You can't just decide not to sing anymore. We all need your voice.
Brittany: I had a song in my heart, Blaine Warbler and you killed it. Now I have a dead song in my heart and pretty soon the corpse of my dead heartsong is going to start to smell.

Blaine: [to Tina] Why are you acting so pissed off?
Tina: Because I get it now. A diva doesn't settle for less than what she wants and she won't apologize for wanting it. And I can't get that here, so next time, don't come crawling back to me. I'm all out of soup.
Blaine: That seems a little... crazy.
Tina: No. That seems a little Tina Cohen-Chang. Respect.

Cooper: The key to a dramatic scene is pointing. When people are really emotional, they point their fingers a lot.
Blaine: That's not true at all. That's... that's terrible advice.

Blaine: You were right. Our first time shouldn't be like that. I was drunk and I'm Sorry
Kurt: Well it sure beats the last time you were drunk and made out with Rachel.
[They both laugh at the memory]

Blaine: We met right here, I took this man's hand and we ran down that hallway. And for those of you that know me know I'm not in the habit of taking people's hands I've never met before, but... I think that my soul knew something that my body and my mind didn't know yet. It knew that our hands were meant to hold each other, fearlessly and forever. Which is why it's never really felt like I've been getting to know you, it's always felt like I was remembering you from something. As if in every lifetime that you and I have ever lived we've chosen to come back and find each other and fall in love all over again, over and over for all eternity. And I just feel so lucky that I found you so soon in this lifetime because all I want to do, all I've ever wanted to do, is spend my life loving you. So, Kurt Hummel, my amazing friend, my one true love, will you marry me?

Sam: If you want to make it in this world, you have to be special.
Blaine: But you are special. Even without your body.

Brittany: [to the camera] My name is Brittany S. Pierce and I finally know how Jesus feels in his house way up at the North Pole because I am on top of the world. Senior year was awesome and now, I get to relive every minute of it. I'm Head Cheerio, Vice Rachel of the glee club and now I'm planning a Middle East-style sham election that will install me as senior class president for life.
Blaine: Brittany, who are you talking to?
Brittany: I thought I was doing a voiceover.

Blaine: If we all share musical shame with each other, we could all become a more cohesive team for regionals.

Blaine: So how's Santana?
Brittany: She's good. She's just really busy with cheerleading practice and it's hard making out over Skype. You can't really scissor a Webcam.

Kurt: [helping Blaine rehearse "Baby, It's Cold Outside"] I think you're ready.
Blaine: Well, for the record, you are much better than that girl's gonna be.

Blaine: Are you okay? You kept making those weird faces the whole song.
Kurt: Those weren't weird faces. Those were my sexy faces.
Blaine: It just look like you're having gas pains or something.

Blaine: I am looking forward to marriage equality in all 50 states.

Rachel: So you said he comes this way at 3:30?
Kurt: Like clockwork for his post rehearsal medium drip.
Rachel: I just can't wait to lay one on him.
Kurt: I've got a bad feeling about this Rachel. I mean, I don't mean to be so cold, but I don't want you to get hurt either. There's no victory in this for me either way.
Rachel: Who cares about you buddy, I may get a new boyfriend out of this who can keep up with me vocally and in the future give me vaguely Eurasian looking children.
Kurt: There he is
Blaine: [walks in to the coffee shop]
Kurt: dreamy as ever.
Rachel: Okay, wish me luck.
Rachel: [Gets up and walks over to Blaine]
Blaine: Hey Rachel, what's going on?
[Rachel quickly kisses Blaine. He stares at Rachel blankly]
Blaine: Huh, yep, I'm gay. 100% gay. Thank you so much for clearing that up for me Rachel. Listen, save my space in line, will ya? I gotta go to the bathroom.
Kurt: [Walks up to Rachel] That was hard wasn't it?
Rachel: Are you kidding? That was amazing, I'm speechless. I just had a relationship with a guy who turned out to be gay. That is songwriting gold. Okay, I have to go compose, but thank you. Thank you!
Kurt: [Stands there watching her leave in stunned silence]

Blaine: Kurt, there is a moment when you say to yourself, Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you forever.
[takes Kurt's hand]
Blaine: Watching you do "Blackbird" this week... that was a moment for me. About you. You move me, Kurt, and this duet would just be an excuse to spend more time with you.

Blaine: [after being kissed by Rachel] Huh... Yep. I'm gay. 100 % gay. Thank you so much for clearing that up for me, Rachel!

Blaine: Since Kurt and I broke up I haven't slept, I've lost my appetite and I don't even gel on weekends.

Kurt: Let's play a game! On the count of 3, we'll all say our favorite 2010 Vogue cover! 1... 2... 3!
Blaine: Oh my god, yes!
Kurt: Yes!
Blaine: Yes yes yes! She's amazing!
Kurt: Amazing!

Kurt: Blaine, I'm a man who's always lived in the shadows. And everybody who's met me has always tried to pull me into the light or push me back into the darkness!
Santana: I was bullied, outed, and misunderstood.
Blaine: I honestly thought that I would never find real love.
Brittany S. Pierce: The world seemed so scary and confusing. It was all too fast and I felt dumb because my brain worked differently.
Kurt: And then you came along and even if someone had told me that it wouldn't work out and at the end of our struggling it would have ended in heartache.
Blaine: I would have said yes!
Santana: A thousand times yes!
Brittany S. Pierce: I would have given it all up even for the tiniest chance to be standing up here marrying you!
Kurt: I am a work in progress!
Blaine: I am a work in progress!
Santana: I am a work in progress!
Brittany S. Pierce: I am a work in progress!
Kurt: You don't ask me to come out of the shadows. You help rip away anything that's blocking out the sun. It's time for all of us to walk into the sunshine together, forever. Is that something you want to do?
Blaine: I do!
Santana: I do!
Brittany S. Pierce: I do!
Kurt: I do!

Blaine: How is he?
Emergency: He has a fracture above his eye socket. He's asleep from the morphine but you can see him.
Sam: Hey Kurt buddy! You're on a lot of painkillers but you can wake up anytime!
Rachel: This is my fault! We got into a really big fight and I left him all alone!
Sam: I want to kill whoever did this to him?
Mercedes: Don't say that Sam. You don't mean it!
Blaine: I just wish he could hear me?
Rachel: He can hear us!

Kurt: [after his solo audition] Any sage advice?
Blaine: Don't try so hard next time.
Kurt: I didn't realize that caring was frowned upon.
Blaine: I don't know how it worked at your old school, but did you notice that we all wear uniforms around here? It's about being part of the team.
Kurt: I guess I'm just used to having to scream to get noticed.
Blaine: You're not going to make it as a Warbler if all you care about is getting noticed.
Kurt: You're right. I'm sorry.
Blaine: I know it's going to take some getting used to, but you'll fit in soon enough. I promise.

Sebastian: What do you say we shake things up? I get you guys a couple of fake ID's and we head over to Scandal's in a Vest Limo.
Blaine: Scandal's? That's the gay bar.
Sebastian: The last time I was there, I met the man of my dreams on the dancefloor.
Kurt: That's so sweet, and... Are you two still together?
Sebastian: Sadly, no. We broke up about 20 minutes after we met.