The Best Armus Quotes

Voice: Save your compassion! It's revolting. You offer it like a prize, when in fact, it's an insult.
Capt. Picard: Because you feel unworthy.
Voice: You overrate your gift. You Humans are puny, weak.
Capt. Picard: But our spirit is indomitable.
Voice: And still you die from a flake of my power.

Doctor: What is he made of?
Lt. Cmdr. Data: It did not register on the tricorder.
Voice: "It"? Does that mean I am not alive?
Lt. Cmdr. Data: No. Clearly you are some kind of intelligent form.
Voice: But you said I did not register on your instrument. Perhaps your instruments are useless.

Lt. Cmdr. Data: You are capable of great sadism and cruelty. Interesting. No redeeming qualities.
Voice: So, what do you think?
Lt. Cmdr. Data: I think you should be destroyed.
Voice: A moral judgment from a machine.

Counselor: You were really surprised they came back.
Voice: Yes.
Counselor: Why? Because the others did not?
Voice: What others?
Counselor: You can't hide the emptiness from me. The others - the ones who hurt you, who left you alone, rejected. The ones who make you so angry.
Voice: What do you know of them?
Counselor: Only what you tell me.
Voice: I will tell you nothing!
Counselor: Not now, but soon.

- Data, something's got me!
Armus: Touch him and he dies.
- No! No, don't!

[Deanna is in a downed shuttlecraft but Armus blocks the away team's path to her]
Commander William T. Riker: She needs our help!
Voice: So what?

Lt. Cmdr. Data: [about whether the tar-like oil slick that is Armus is a living creature] It is possible. It possesses two of the requisites for life.
Voice: [his deep, almost demonic voice is heard for the first time] Very good, tin man!
[Armus slowly lifts himself like a slimy ghost rising from the dead, before the landing party's very eyes]
Capt. Picard: [back on the Enterprise Bridge, Picard becomes concerened] What is it, Number One? What are you seeing?
Commander William T. Riker: [grimly; as Armus reaches his full height] Trouble.

Voice: [referring to Riker] Should I let him go?
Counselor: You only ask to torment me!
Voice: Perhaps.
Counselor: How should I answer? What can I offer except myself?
Voice: And would you give yourself for him? Would you give that much?
Counselor: Yes. Without hesitation!
Voice: Just for him?
Counselor: No, not just for him. I would do the same for any of the others.

Counselor: Who deserted you?
Voice: Creatures whose beauty now dazzles all who see them. They would not exist without me.
Counselor: You were together?
Voice: They perfected a means of bringing to the surface all that was evil and negative within, erupting, spreading, connecting. In time, it formed a second skin, dank and vile.
Counselor: You.
Voice: Yes.

Doctor: [to Armus] I'm a doctor. I need to treat our injured comrades.
Voice: Say please.
Doctor: Please.
Voice: You asked nicely. I will allow it.
[Beverly starts moving for the downed shuttlecraft]
Voice: Wait... I've changed my mind.

Capt. Picard: A great poet once said: "All spirits are enslaved that serve things evil."
Voice: You do not understand. I do not serve things evil; I *am* evil.
Capt. Picard: Oh, no. You're not.
Voice: I am a skin of evil, left here by a race of Titans, who believed if they rid themselves of me, they would free the bonds of destructiveness.

- We are not going without our shuttle crew.
Armus: I warn you...
- Tasha: Enough.
- We have people who need attention.
- We won't hurt you but we must help them.

Voice: Do you want to know why I killed her?
Counselor: Your answer would be meaningless. That act had no reason.
Voice: Exactly! It had no meaning. I did it because I wanted to. It amused me.
Counselor: No. You thought it would amuse you; but it didn't.

Voice: Tell me, tin man, how does it feel to face your own extinction?
Lt. Cmdr. Data: Curious.

Lt. Cmdr. Data: [to Armus] You are capable of great sadism and cruelty. No redeeming qualities.
Voice: So what do you think?
Lt. Cmdr. Data: I think you should be destroyed.
Voice: [scathingly] A moral judgement from a machine!

- Enterprise.
- Armus has enveloped commander riker.
- I'm beaming you up.
Armus: If any of you leave now, he dies.
- And so do the survivors of the crash.

Counselor: They won't give you what you want.
Voice: And what is that?
Counselor: To break their spirit.
Voice: Oh, is that what I want? If breaking their spirit will amuse me, then that's what I will have.
Counselor: Never!