Top 20 Quotes From Arthur Morgan

Arthur: Does this trolley go to Tahiti?

Arthur: This whole thing is pretty much done. We're more ghosts than people.

Arthur: [to Sadie] A new pair of pants and you think you're Landon Ricketts.

Andrew: You're a wanted man, Mr. Morgan. Five thousand dollars for your head alone.
Arthur: Five thousand dollars? For me? Can I turn myself in?

Arthur: [to Dutch Van Der Linde] I gave you all I had...

Arthur: I guess I... I'm afraid.
Sister: There is nothing to be afraid of, Mr. Morgan. Take a gamble that love exists, and do a loving act.

Arthur: [having rescued a man who tries to thank him, but Arthur doesn't speak German] Look, I'm sorry, friend, I can barely speak English.

Arthur: Were thieves in a world that don't want us anymore.

Arthur: John made it... He's the only one. Rest of us... no. But... I tried. In the end... I did.

Arthur: You're a rat!
Micah: I'm a survivor, black lung. A survivor!

Charles: What's going on with you?
Arthur: What do you mean?
Charles: You were just gonna send that woman and her children on their way?
Arthur: We're wanted men. We got Pinkertons breathing down our necks. We should be moving camp, not running off on some wild goose chase.
Charles: Come on, Arthur, that's not how you are.
Arthur: Well, maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do.

Arthur: Nothin' means more to me than this gang. I would kill for it. I would happily die for it. I wish things were different... But it weren't us who changed.

Arthur: [Upon learning Micah had betrayed the gang] All them years Dutch, for this snake?

Arthur: [saying goodbye to each other] Get the hell out of here and be a goddamn man!
John: You're my brother.
Arthur: I know.

Arthur: So, I met up with Leon. That situation with the workers is dealt with. Captured, tied-up, beaten...
Dutch: Poor bastards.
Arthur: No, that was me.

Arthur: [a man speaks in German] How did someone even come up with them words?

Arthur: [antagonizing Pearson] I wish you'd stayed at sea with the other walruses.

Arthur: [greeting a stranger] I like you mister, you have a kind face.
Arthur: [choosing to antagonize] The kind I'd like to punch.

Arthur: [sees Archie glaring at him] Either you got a lazy eye or a lack of respect. Which is it, boy?
Archie: I ain't got no lazy eye, nor respect for the likes of you.
Arthur: Well, maybe when your mother's finished mourning your father, I'll keep her in black on your behalf. You think on that, boy.
Archie: Well, maybe you shall, sir, and maybe other events will transpire.
Arthur: [chuckles] You'd best stick to them book, 'cause mark my words on this: vengeance is an idiot's game.

Arthur: [at the theater] Stop singing about geography!