The Best Micah Bell Quotes

Arthur: You're a rat!
Micah: I'm a survivor, black lung. A survivor!

Micah: I don't want to kill you, John.
John: Arthur saved my life, more than once.
Micah: Arthur's been dead a long time. This is a new century.
John: Dutch, we all did our best for you. It ain't our fault things turned out the way they did. Dutch, killing me won't solve nothing!
Micah: Put down your gun, Marston!
John: Say something, Dutch! Say something!
Dutch: I ain't got too much to say no more.
[With that, he shoots Micah in the chest]
Micah: [both surprised and amused] You shot me! Ha ha ha ha ha. You shot me pretty good...
John: [John empties all of his ammo into Micah's head/torso. He walks around for a bit, then shrugs and collapses, dead] Thank you. I... I...
[as Dutch walks passed, he glares at John and gives him a look as if to say, "I didn't do it for YOU" and keeps on walking]

Micah: When I fall, I don't want no fuss.
Lenny: When you fall, there'll be a party.

John: [Dutch has just interrupted a standoff between John, Sadie and Micah, pointing his gun at John, which has allowed Micah to hold his gun against Sadie's] What are you doing here, Dutch?
Dutch: Same as you, I suppose.
Micah: Dutch and I are teaming up once more. We got money... we got dreams. Join us, John. Join us.
John: Let her go.
Micah: Now I can't do that, John.
John: [to Dutch] Dutch... Dutch, come on now.
Dutch: You shot at me, son.
John: You started it.
Dutch: You betrayed me!
John: I could say the same as you.
Dutch: I was trying to do my best. You... you just cared for yourself.
John: I think differently.