The Best Rains Fall Quotes

Rains: Stop! Everyone stop! My son, my last son... don't. When I was your age... I fought. I saw death. I have killed. The men I knew were slain. My first born, your brother... had his head smashed by a drunken soldier. My wife had her throat slit. We made peace. I knew not to trust, yet I had no choice. Maybe you were right... maybe the slow death is worse than a fast one. Maybe none of these men are good. Maybe a world in which they came to us... is a world that we cannot endure. But endure we must.
Eagle: Father, you are tired.
Rains: Do not die for pride, my son. We have suffered too much in this trick. The earth, the water... they have no pride. They endure, and we must endure. My only boy... my precious boy... do not mistake my strength for weakness. As your chief, I implore you.

Rains: Yes, sometimes the correct path, the bravest path is the least obvious, and also the gentlest.