The Best B'Etor Quotes

Lieutenant: [showing Lursa and B'Etor a knife] This was dropped by one of the assassins. It bears the crest of your house.
Lursa: Someone must have given it to the assassins to implicate us.
Counselor: Why would someone do that?
B'Etor: In order to tarnish our good name.
Lieutenant: You cannot tarnish a rusted blade.

Commander William T. Riker: We know you're dealing in stolen ore. But I wanna talk about the assassination attempt on Lieutenant Worf.
B'Etor: What assassination attempt? This is the first I've heard of it.
Lursa: Too bad it didn't succeed!
[laughs maliciously]

B'Etor: Worf is not like his brother.
Lursa: No. He tries to be, but he's still unsure of himself.
B'Etor: Perhaps he needs something to help restore his confidence.
Lursa: I think he'll find our offer appealing.
B'Etor: I'll make sure he does.