The Best Blair Redford Quotes

Clarice: All this damage, was it me? Is everyone okay?
John: You were a little hard on the trees and some furniture, but people survived.
Clarice: This place needed a remodeling anyway.

Dreamer: So, you never told, how did your conversation go with Clarice?
John: She left. So I'd say not well. It's about par for the course these days.
Dreamer: If you're talking about Pulse, it's not your fault.
John: How do you figure that? I left him. I let Sentinel Services take him.
Dreamer: You thought he was dead.
John: I was wrong. I should've saved him. I'm starting to think that maybe the X-Men made a mistake - choosing me to be part of the underground.
Dreamer: Johnny, you can't think that way. I know you want to live up to who what your father was, but you're doing all you can.
John: It's not enough. We have more refugees in there than we can possibly save. I can barely protect a bunch of veterans.
Dreamer: You were chosen for a reason. The X-Men said a war is coming.
John: They didn't say we'd win.

Dreamer: The X-Men said a war is coming.
John: They didn't say we'd win.

Lorna: I don't see a move here. The Hounds are already out there. They're kicking our asses.
Esme: It's a secret program. We can kill it, but it has to happen soon. Our sources tell us Dr. Campbell is working his political connections to take it national.
John: What do you mean?
Esme: He's attending the Humanity Today Summit in Charlotte, tomorrow.
Clarice: "Humanity Today?" Is that seriously what they call it?
Esme: I guess they thought it sounded better than "Kill the Muties."

Marcos: There's seven deep out front. Anything out back?
John: Yeah, there's four of them and then more outside the kitchen door. We're surrounded. Look, I can get us through a wall, but if they start shooting while we run, there's gonna be a fight.
Andy: Run? Why should we have to run?
Lauren: Didn't you hear them? There's an army out there.
Andy: Yeah, so what? We can take those guys.
John: Yeah, of course we can take them, but we do that people are gonna die.
Andy: Well maybe it's time these people learned.
Kate: Andy, you don't mean that.
Andy: Yes, I do. Listen to them, Mom. They hate us!

John: [bandaging Marcos] Hold still. Almost done.
Marcos: I'm fine, John. We need to go after Lorna. We get a team together, we...
John: And do what? Huh? Get one of us killed? Marcos, we barely got away from a dozen cops. Now you want to take on a hundred? We can't take this risk, right now.
Marcos: Then when? The X-Men, the Brotherhood, we don't even know if they exist anymore. We are alone. And we're getting picked off one by one.

Marcos: Lorna, what are you doing?
Lorna: I'm telling them the truth. The Mutant Underground is dying. That world where we don't have to hide that we've always talked about? I want to build that. For all of us. For my baby.
Marcos: That baby is ours. And this is where your family is. Lorna, you know I will do anything for you, but... I can't help you do this.
Esme: No one's asking for your help. The people we're here for, they know who they are.
Marcos: What the hell does that mean?
Kate: [Fade starts to leave] What?
Marcos: Fade? Fade.
John: [Sage follows him] Sage.
Sage: I'm sorry, John. They ended the Hound program. This is just about survival.

Clarice: Literally I have the power to bail out of bad situations. So, being scared is just a big part of it.
John: It's not all of it. In the Marines, when you want to give up they train you to focus on what you care about most. To hold onto it like your life depended on it, because at some point it will.
Clarice: Okay, so what did you care about?
John: Back then I had a lot to prove, about being Apache, a mutant.
Clarice: But what if I don't have anything?

Marcos: Damn it! I should've known. It's my fault. I should have stopped her.
Clarice: Marcos, you couldn't have known.
John: It's not like her to do this.
Marcos: It's not? John, ever since we broke her out of that convoy, you know she's been different. And with the baby...
John: I know she's had issues in the past. Do you think that maybe this is...
Clarice: No way. I've had friends who were bipolar. Assassination plots are not one of the symptoms.

John: We need to start thinking about next steps. With the headquarters gone, a lot of people have nowhere to go.
Marcos: John, we know what we need to do. We need to rebuild.
Clarice: Rebuild what? You heard Sage. The place disintegrated.
Marcos: Not about a building. It's about the network and the people in it.
Sage: Everything we have is gone. Restart from nothing? It's not possible.
Shatter: Besides, anything that we build, they're just gonna smash it again.
Kate: No. That's not a reason to give up. That's a reason to fight harder.

Clarice: Something changed after I got sick. I woke up with this new beauty mark here.
[points at a scar over her right eye]
Clarice: And my powers... I don't know... they're broken.
John: Hey, abilities don't break. Most mutants first access their abilities from strong emotions: fear, anger, pain. But those are all unreliable. The challenge is to tap into something positive.
Clarice: Positive?
John: Mm hm.
Clarice: Like what? We do some hot yoga and find my spirit animal?
John: Umm... no, thanks. I'm pretty sure your spirit animal would bite me.
Clarice: No, it'd rip your head off.
John: That's impossible, my head can't be ripped off.

Esme: Where the hell is Campbell?
John: We couldn't get to him.
Marcos: He shielded himself with a bunch of kids.
Esme: So what?
Clarice: So, *kids*.

John: We wouldn't have come here if it wasn't important.
Evangeline: You shouldn't have come at all. I can't have fugitives here. Especially not fugitives who are supposed to be dead.
Marcos: Lady, we are out there fighting every day, losing people while you hide in here like the freakin' Wizard of Oz!