The Best Esme Cuckoo Quotes

Marcos: I thought we were coming to a safe house.
Esme: It *is* safe.
Phoebe: And it's a house.
Esme: Hence the term.
Clarice: It's just so... bougie.
Esme: Well, if it'll make you feel more at home...
Phoebe: We could bring in some mold...
Sophie: Smash some holes in the floor.

Esme: Where the hell is Campbell?
John: We couldn't get to him.
Marcos: He shielded himself with a bunch of kids.
Esme: So what?
Clarice: So, *kids*.

Marcos: Lorna, what are you doing?
Lorna: I'm telling them the truth. The Mutant Underground is dying. That world where we don't have to hide that we've always talked about? I want to build that. For all of us. For my baby.
Marcos: That baby is ours. And this is where your family is. Lorna, you know I will do anything for you, but... I can't help you do this.
Esme: No one's asking for your help. The people we're here for, they know who they are.
Marcos: What the hell does that mean?
Kate: [Fade starts to leave] What?
Marcos: Fade? Fade.
John: [Sage follows him] Sage.
Sage: I'm sorry, John. They ended the Hound program. This is just about survival.

Lorna: I don't see a move here. The Hounds are already out there. They're kicking our asses.
Esme: It's a secret program. We can kill it, but it has to happen soon. Our sources tell us Dr. Campbell is working his political connections to take it national.
John: What do you mean?
Esme: He's attending the Humanity Today Summit in Charlotte, tomorrow.
Clarice: "Humanity Today?" Is that seriously what they call it?
Esme: I guess they thought it sounded better than "Kill the Muties."

Esme: There's a full security system, and we're set up for a variety of interrogation methods. Although, I should be able to extract any information we need.
Clarice: And you have a fully stocked bar because...?
Esme: Breaking Campbell could take a while. Why live in squalor?