The Best Emma Dumont Quotes

Esme: We need to talk about our guest. She hasn't spoken since she got here.
Sophie: That's a big problem.
Phoebe: She's the key to Reeva's next step.
Andy: What did you guys expect? She's been locked up for years.
Lorna: He's right. Imagine what's going on in her head.
Esme: We don't need to. We can see for ourselves.

Evangeline: If that judge knew how half a dozen anti-mutant protestors "accidentally" fell off an overpass, you'd be in a maximum security facility somewhere.
Lorna: How do you know about that?
Evangeline: I know a lot about you, Ms. Dane. Since 7/15, things are changing. A hard time is coming for mutants. We need people like you. Fighters.
Lorna: We?
Evangeline: You've heard of the X-Men?
Lorna: Yeah. Aren't they an urban legend now? World went to hell and, poof, they're gone.
Evangeline: Well, they left something behind. A network to help mutants in trouble. It needs leaders.
Lorna: And they want me? I think someone screwed up. You do realize this is a mental hospital, right?

Polaris: Well, guess who has green hair and is good at keeping secrets?

Fade: Listen, I get you trying to help, but you're not even a mutant.
Reed: I am. And my children are. And the Underground saved our lives. If the Sentinel Services comes after another family, we owe it to them to be there.
Sage: I'm sorry, but the fact is since your family came, half our stations have been destroyed.
Kate: You can't blame us for that. The Hound program was coming one way or another.
Marcos: [over everyone's murmurs] Okay. Hey! The X-Men didn't do this 'cause they thought it would be easy. They knew it would be a struggle. They knew it would take sacrifice.
Lorna: [entering with Esme] There's nothing noble about struggle, Marcos. And sacrifice is just a pretty name for losing.

Lorna: I don't see a move here. The Hounds are already out there. They're kicking our asses.
Esme: It's a secret program. We can kill it, but it has to happen soon. Our sources tell us Dr. Campbell is working his political connections to take it national.
John: What do you mean?
Esme: He's attending the Humanity Today Summit in Charlotte, tomorrow.
Clarice: "Humanity Today?" Is that seriously what they call it?
Esme: I guess they thought it sounded better than "Kill the Muties."

Scar: Hey muti, muti, muti.
Lorna: You have a problem?
Scar: We'll see. Mutis in here, they work for me. From now on, you're gonna do what you're told.
Lorna: Uh, and... what if I decline this exciting opportunity?
Scar: Oh believe me, you don't want to do that. You see, out there you got powers. But in here, I got powers.
Lorna: Well I bet you're pretty glad you met me in here.

Marcos: Lorna, what are you doing?
Lorna: I'm telling them the truth. The Mutant Underground is dying. That world where we don't have to hide that we've always talked about? I want to build that. For all of us. For my baby.
Marcos: That baby is ours. And this is where your family is. Lorna, you know I will do anything for you, but... I can't help you do this.
Esme: No one's asking for your help. The people we're here for, they know who they are.
Marcos: What the hell does that mean?
Kate: [Fade starts to leave] What?
Marcos: Fade? Fade.
John: [Sage follows him] Sage.
Sage: I'm sorry, John. They ended the Hound program. This is just about survival.

The: Is there nothing else you desire?
Quentin: Everything I've ever wanted, I've got. Magic is real and it can fix anything except what I need. I loved a girl. My entire life I've dreamed of Fillory. That I would be like Martin Chatwin. I'd find a way to stay here forever.
Quentin: Send me home.

Lorna: Nice digs you got here. Homey.
Jace: Yeah, don't get too comfy. You're only gonna enjoy our hospitality a couple days.
Lorna: Then what? Oh, let me guess. Another transfer. Maybe one of your secret prisons?
Jace: You know, you had your chance to cooperate, Miss Dane.
Lorna: Little favor? Call me Polaris. You're sending to Hell, I think it's the least you can do.

Kate: I know you're trying to help these kids. But isn't the idea to give these people a future? Life after the fighting?
Lorna: Yeah, that's a nice idea. But they might fighting for the rest of their lives.
Kate: Well, that's not I want for my kids.
Lorna: Look, what your kids can do - it's way beyond what we usually see. Their powers are incredible. Okay? They need to develop...
Kate: They need some sort of normalcy.
Lorna: They're mutants. *This* - this is their new normal.

Clarice: I don't know what good this outfit does. One look at my eyes...
Lorna: Yeah, they get close enough to see your eyes, my hair, or the fact that three of us are the same person, then it's over already.

Marcos: Are you all right?
Lorna: How do you think I am? Sentinel Services has my best friend.
Marcos: We're working on it.
Lorna: Working on it. How? By talking to the Struckers about lawyers?

Quentin: Alice Quinn. Bring her back to life... Please.
The: I can't.
Quentin: What do you mean you can't? You are not the only magical creature in this fucking forest.
The: True. And we all have limits. We can give you anything. But we cannot pierce that veil.

The: I can't nap until I've granted your wish.
Quentin: I'd like to be happy. Could you do that?
The: I can do wonders. But you should know there's nothing I can give you that will soothe your Shade. There's only what I can take away.
Quentin: You'd take away my memories of Alice?
The: Yes. I would free you completely.
Quentin: No.
The: You are wiser than you appear.

The: What is it, Quentin Coldwater, that you ache for? You have a crown and the power to reshape the very ether to your whim. What else could you possibly want?
William: Um, technically speaking, uh, we both caught you, so-...
Quentin: Shut up. I'll ask for your thing with my third wish.
William: No. We each get a wish, and then we have one mutually agreeable third wish.
The: You can each have one wish, or you can fuck off.