The Best Andy Strucker Quotes

Esme: We need to talk about our guest. She hasn't spoken since she got here.
Sophie: That's a big problem.
Phoebe: She's the key to Reeva's next step.
Andy: What did you guys expect? She's been locked up for years.
Lorna: He's right. Imagine what's going on in her head.
Esme: We don't need to. We can see for ourselves.

Andy: Pick your piece.
Lauren: I'll be... nickel.
Andy: I think I'm gonna be the shoe.
Lauren: No, You can't be the shoe. Be the bottle cap.
Andy: What do you mean? I just called the shoe.
Lauren: I don't care! Put it back!
Andy: Hey, what's your problem, psycho?
Lauren: Dad's always the shoe, okay?

Lauren: A disagreement? You attacked those agents.
Andy: They were gonna shoot us, I stopped them, and we got away.
Lauren: You almost killed that guy.
Andy: Yeah, key word: "almost."
Kate: Guys, I don't know what's going on, but we need to stick together as a family right now.
Andy: Tell her that, not me.
Kate: What?
Andy: Last time I checked, I'm the one person in this family who's actually proud to be a Von Strucker.

Marcos: There's seven deep out front. Anything out back?
John: Yeah, there's four of them and then more outside the kitchen door. We're surrounded. Look, I can get us through a wall, but if they start shooting while we run, there's gonna be a fight.
Andy: Run? Why should we have to run?
Lauren: Didn't you hear them? There's an army out there.
Andy: Yeah, so what? We can take those guys.
John: Yeah, of course we can take them, but we do that people are gonna die.
Andy: Well maybe it's time these people learned.
Kate: Andy, you don't mean that.
Andy: Yes, I do. Listen to them, Mom. They hate us!

Kate: You are not taking our son!
Andy: They're not taking me. It's my decision. This thing they're trying to rebuild, the Hellfire Club, it's something that our family was a part of. And you're the one who's always talking about helping people.
Kate: A war between humans and mutants isn't helping anyone.
Reed: I can't let you do this.
Andy: I'm not asking.

Reed: We didn't get a chance to talk about what was going on for you at school. You know, I tried to help. I went to see your guidance counselor.
Andy: Yeah, I know. You know that's the whole reason those guys came after me that night at the gym, right?
Reed: I wish you talked to me about it. Before it got that bad.
Andy: Like when? At midnight when you got home?
Reed: Maybe there's a chance we can talk about it now.
Andy: Now, we're in the back of a hot truck, peeing in a bucket.
Reed: I don't think the pee bucket should come between us.

Lauren: Are you seriously reading that book again?
Andy: Why do you care? Shouldn't you be hanging out with your boyfriend?
Lauren: Wes went back to Augusta, for your information. You barely put that thing down.
Andy: So. I'm studying about our family in here. Aren't you curious?
Lauren: No thank you. I know all I need to know about our psycho great-grandfather.
Andy: He wasn't a psycho. All right, this book was written by humans. It's totally biased against us.

Lauren: When we were kids playing X-Men, we did that... because they were heroes. Because they saved everyone. Please. Don't leave me.
Andy: The X-Men are gone. We're not little kids anymore.