The Best Jeff Daniel Phillips Quotes

Fade: Listen, I get you trying to help, but you're not even a mutant.
Reed: I am. And my children are. And the Underground saved our lives. If the Sentinel Services comes after another family, we owe it to them to be there.
Sage: I'm sorry, but the fact is since your family came, half our stations have been destroyed.
Kate: You can't blame us for that. The Hound program was coming one way or another.
Marcos: [over everyone's murmurs] Okay. Hey! The X-Men didn't do this 'cause they thought it would be easy. They knew it would be a struggle. They knew it would take sacrifice.
Lorna: [entering with Esme] There's nothing noble about struggle, Marcos. And sacrifice is just a pretty name for losing.

Pedro: Sentinel Services! They're coming! They're coming now!
Shatter: Everybody, listen up! This is not a drill! We're evacuating right the hell now, so drop whatever you're doing and move!
Kate: What happened?
Shatter: Sentinel Services is coming. We got to get as many people in vans and out of here as we can.
Reed: Get the kids.
Lauren: Mom. Is this real?
Kate: Yeah. Go find your brother.
[Fade passes by as Lauren leaves]
Kate: You. I need you to help me get the little ones out. You'll drive the first van. Hide them.
Fade: Who put you in charge?
Kate: Don't start that crap with me. Hate me all you want once everyone's safe, but right now, you will move.

Sheriff: [to Tori and Robbie] I didn't know you two were a thing.
Tori: We're not.
Robbie: Yet.
Tori: Get fucked.