The Best Reed Strucker Quotes

Pedro: Sentinel Services! They're coming! They're coming now!
Shatter: Everybody, listen up! This is not a drill! We're evacuating right the hell now, so drop whatever you're doing and move!
Kate: What happened?
Shatter: Sentinel Services is coming. We got to get as many people in vans and out of here as we can.
Reed: Get the kids.
Lauren: Mom. Is this real?
Kate: Yeah. Go find your brother.
[Fade passes by as Lauren leaves]
Kate: You. I need you to help me get the little ones out. You'll drive the first van. Hide them.
Fade: Who put you in charge?
Kate: Don't start that crap with me. Hate me all you want once everyone's safe, but right now, you will move.

Kate: You are not taking our son!
Andy: They're not taking me. It's my decision. This thing they're trying to rebuild, the Hellfire Club, it's something that our family was a part of. And you're the one who's always talking about helping people.
Kate: A war between humans and mutants isn't helping anyone.
Reed: I can't let you do this.
Andy: I'm not asking.

Esme: I was thinking about what you said at the meeting earlier. I think you're right. Another attack is just gonna get people killed. We both have family in there, and we cannot have that happen. This is a human problem. It needs a human solution. And you two are really the only ones here who understand that world.
Reed: We're not having much luck finding anyone who can help.
Esme: Well, I was actually thinking... what about Agent Turner?
Kate: Agent Turner?
Esme: Yeah. You've talked to him before, right?
Reed: When he interrogated me.
Esme: Okay, look, I'm... I'm not saying it's gonna be easy, but... he may be the only one who can actually do something. If you just could convince him to take the mutants out of the lab, to do the right thing...
Kate: So they can sit in prison?
Esme: It's better than being injected with drugs and turning into one of Campbell's pets. If there is even a chance... just think about it. Your kids, what they can do... in the wrong hands, that much power can change everything.

Reed: We didn't get a chance to talk about what was going on for you at school. You know, I tried to help. I went to see your guidance counselor.
Andy: Yeah, I know. You know that's the whole reason those guys came after me that night at the gym, right?
Reed: I wish you talked to me about it. Before it got that bad.
Andy: Like when? At midnight when you got home?
Reed: Maybe there's a chance we can talk about it now.
Andy: Now, we're in the back of a hot truck, peeing in a bucket.
Reed: I don't think the pee bucket should come between us.

Reed: You wanted the power of the von Struckers? It's all yours.

[Reed jumps out of the van]
Jace: Was I unclear? Your job was to stay in the van.
Reed: You were clear enough.
Jace: You just made the biggest mistake of your life.
Reed: No, but I got pretty damn close.
Jace: We had a deal, Mr. Strucker.
Reed: And you can shove that deal up your ass.

Fade: Listen, I get you trying to help, but you're not even a mutant.
Reed: I am. And my children are. And the Underground saved our lives. If the Sentinel Services comes after another family, we owe it to them to be there.
Sage: I'm sorry, but the fact is since your family came, half our stations have been destroyed.
Kate: You can't blame us for that. The Hound program was coming one way or another.
Marcos: [over everyone's murmurs] Okay. Hey! The X-Men didn't do this 'cause they thought it would be easy. They knew it would be a struggle. They knew it would take sacrifice.
Lorna: [entering with Esme] There's nothing noble about struggle, Marcos. And sacrifice is just a pretty name for losing.

Kate: You okay with this? Bringing Andy?
Reed: I don't know. Maybe... maybe it's a good thing. We haven't been connecting since I got out of prison.
Kate: Nothing says "father-son" bonding like breaking into a federal building.