The Best Esme Quotes

Esme: I was thinking about what you said at the meeting earlier. I think you're right. Another attack is just gonna get people killed. We both have family in there, and we cannot have that happen. This is a human problem. It needs a human solution. And you two are really the only ones here who understand that world.
Reed: We're not having much luck finding anyone who can help.
Esme: Well, I was actually thinking... what about Agent Turner?
Kate: Agent Turner?
Esme: Yeah. You've talked to him before, right?
Reed: When he interrogated me.
Esme: Okay, look, I'm... I'm not saying it's gonna be easy, but... he may be the only one who can actually do something. If you just could convince him to take the mutants out of the lab, to do the right thing...
Kate: So they can sit in prison?
Esme: It's better than being injected with drugs and turning into one of Campbell's pets. If there is even a chance... just think about it. Your kids, what they can do... in the wrong hands, that much power can change everything.

Esme: Time to go, boys and girls. The fun's just starting.