The Best Sean Teale Quotes

Kate: You and my husband had a deal to help our family.
Marcos: Yeah, we did.
Kate: I expect you to honor that deal. We need to get Reed back and we need to get out of the country.
Marcos: Do you know your husband was trying to send my girlfriend to prison, right?
Kate: He was following the law. Has he prosecuted mutants? Yes, but...
Marcos: But some of his best friends are mutants?
Kate: Try his children.
Marcos: That's exactly my point. Tell me this: if it wasn't your kids in that gym, would you be standing up for them? Would your husband?

Esme: Where the hell is Campbell?
John: We couldn't get to him.
Marcos: He shielded himself with a bunch of kids.
Esme: So what?
Clarice: So, *kids*.

Clarice: What about the Morlocks?
Marcos: You're not serious.
Glow: Who are they?
Clarice: Mutant group. They live underground.
Marcos: Yeah, in the *sewers*.
Clarice: That's what air freshener's for.

John: [bandaging Marcos] Hold still. Almost done.
Marcos: I'm fine, John. We need to go after Lorna. We get a team together, we...
John: And do what? Huh? Get one of us killed? Marcos, we barely got away from a dozen cops. Now you want to take on a hundred? We can't take this risk, right now.
Marcos: Then when? The X-Men, the Brotherhood, we don't even know if they exist anymore. We are alone. And we're getting picked off one by one.

[from Comic-Con trailer]
Clarice: You ever burn anyone with that?
Marcos: Uh-huh.
Clarice: What about your girlfriend? You ever burned her?
Marcos: Yeah. She doesn't care. That's why she's my girlfriend.
Clarice: Kinky.

John: We wouldn't have come here if it wasn't important.
Evangeline: You shouldn't have come at all. I can't have fugitives here. Especially not fugitives who are supposed to be dead.
Marcos: Lady, we are out there fighting every day, losing people while you hide in here like the freakin' Wizard of Oz!

Fade: Listen, I get you trying to help, but you're not even a mutant.
Reed: I am. And my children are. And the Underground saved our lives. If the Sentinel Services comes after another family, we owe it to them to be there.
Sage: I'm sorry, but the fact is since your family came, half our stations have been destroyed.
Kate: You can't blame us for that. The Hound program was coming one way or another.
Marcos: [over everyone's murmurs] Okay. Hey! The X-Men didn't do this 'cause they thought it would be easy. They knew it would be a struggle. They knew it would take sacrifice.
Lorna: [entering with Esme] There's nothing noble about struggle, Marcos. And sacrifice is just a pretty name for losing.

Marcos: There's seven deep out front. Anything out back?
John: Yeah, there's four of them and then more outside the kitchen door. We're surrounded. Look, I can get us through a wall, but if they start shooting while we run, there's gonna be a fight.
Andy: Run? Why should we have to run?
Lauren: Didn't you hear them? There's an army out there.
Andy: Yeah, so what? We can take those guys.
John: Yeah, of course we can take them, but we do that people are gonna die.
Andy: Well maybe it's time these people learned.
Kate: Andy, you don't mean that.
Andy: Yes, I do. Listen to them, Mom. They hate us!

Marcos: Damn it! I should've known. It's my fault. I should have stopped her.
Clarice: Marcos, you couldn't have known.
John: It's not like her to do this.
Marcos: It's not? John, ever since we broke her out of that convoy, you know she's been different. And with the baby...
John: I know she's had issues in the past. Do you think that maybe this is...
Clarice: No way. I've had friends who were bipolar. Assassination plots are not one of the symptoms.

Marcos: Are you all right?
Lorna: How do you think I am? Sentinel Services has my best friend.
Marcos: We're working on it.
Lorna: Working on it. How? By talking to the Struckers about lawyers?

Marcos: Lorna, what are you doing?
Lorna: I'm telling them the truth. The Mutant Underground is dying. That world where we don't have to hide that we've always talked about? I want to build that. For all of us. For my baby.
Marcos: That baby is ours. And this is where your family is. Lorna, you know I will do anything for you, but... I can't help you do this.
Esme: No one's asking for your help. The people we're here for, they know who they are.
Marcos: What the hell does that mean?
Kate: [Fade starts to leave] What?
Marcos: Fade? Fade.
John: [Sage follows him] Sage.
Sage: I'm sorry, John. They ended the Hound program. This is just about survival.

Marcos: I thought we were coming to a safe house.
Esme: It *is* safe.
Phoebe: And it's a house.
Esme: Hence the term.
Clarice: It's just so... bougie.
Esme: Well, if it'll make you feel more at home...
Phoebe: We could bring in some mold...
Sophie: Smash some holes in the floor.

Marcos: [In the sewers] Doesn't John have extra-powerful senses? How the hell did he stand the smell down here?
Clarice: He breathed through his mouth.
Marcos: [Tries this, coughs] Now I can taste it.

Dr. Watkins: [after stitching up Marcos' arm] So, how exactly did this happen?
Kate: It was an accident.
Marcos: I was fixing stuff on the roof, and you know that sticker on the ladder that says "don't step above the step"? I stepped above the step.
Dr. Watkins: Well I guess we learned a lesson today.

John: We need to start thinking about next steps. With the headquarters gone, a lot of people have nowhere to go.
Marcos: John, we know what we need to do. We need to rebuild.
Clarice: Rebuild what? You heard Sage. The place disintegrated.
Marcos: Not about a building. It's about the network and the people in it.
Sage: Everything we have is gone. Restart from nothing? It's not possible.
Shatter: Besides, anything that we build, they're just gonna smash it again.
Kate: No. That's not a reason to give up. That's a reason to fight harder.

Kate: Is it always that bad for mutants?
Marcos: You thought that was bad? That doc actually stitched me up before he called the cops. That's top-flight mutant healthcare right there.
Kate: I mean there are protections though. The Civil Rights Act.
Marcos: Uh yeah, mutant rights. They're a nice idea, but there's always an exception for public safety. All they have to do is call you dangerous and you know what happens to those so-called rights? Poof, they're gone.