The Best Brad Savage Quotes

Darryl: [Pouring a can of soup in the pot] That's the last of it... except for the olives.
Matt: We still got plenty of meat left.
Danny: Just stuff you shot.
Matt: So tell me, dork, where do you suppose hamburgers come from?
Danny: Nobody shoots them.
Darryl: We need food.

[Robert sawing off a shotgun]
Danny: They were people!
Robert: Yeah, well, so was my dad.
Aardvark: What was it like?
[Robert stops sawing]
Robert: It was good.
[Robert resumes sawing]

Sgt. Joseph Getraer: Linahan, Nelson. What have you got?
Officer: We picked them up hitchhiking on the freeway.
Sgt. Joseph Getraer: Where were they headed?
Bruce: They won't tell us
Sgt. Joseph Getraer: Runaways, huh?
Rick: You have no right to hold us
Sgt. Joseph Getraer: Yes, we do, if you're underage. Wanna tell us how to reach your parents?

Jed: My family would want me to stay alive. Your family would want you to stay alive. You think you're so smart, man, but you're just a bunch of scared kids.
Danny: So what do you think *you* are?
Jed: ...Alone, I guess.
Matt: [comes and stands with him] No, you're not.

Danny: You got a family?
Col. Andy Tanner: [long pause] I don't know. They got - caught behind the lines down in Texas. I like to think they're alive; but, I hear stories about what they're doin' to civilians.

Sgt. Joseph Getraer: Now, come on, kids. Give us a break, huh?
Patty: We're going to a place where no one hassles anyone else where it's quiet and peaceful and beautiful.
Rick: And the land and the sea gives you all the food you'll ever need.
Sgt. Joseph Getraer: Where is this place?
Patty: Somewhere.
Sgt. Joseph Getraer: The Blue Lagoon?

Danny: [at the Wolverines' funeral for Colonel Andy Tanner and Arturo "Aardvark" Mondracon] These were good friends. Take them away from here... someplace safe... where this world's war never happened. And as we remember... please let them forget, O Lord... so they can be little again.

Matt: [after Toni and Robert are KIA, the Eckert Brothers plan a diversion while Danny and Erica cross the enemy lines] We're all that's left. Somebody's gotta live. Somebody's gotta make it. Me and Jed, we're all used up.
Erica: I'm never gonna forget... as long as I live.
Matt: Don't.
Danny: You're never gonna know who won.
Matt: Who WILL?

Matt: [after their flight from Calumet, Jed is fixing the radiator on his pickup-truck] Did you get it?
Jed: Yeah, I got it. Only thing is, we got one problem: we don't have any water.
Matt: How about pissing in it?
Jed: That's a good idea. Get up here.
Danny: How do you know it'll work?
Jed: How old are you, kid?
Danny: Fifteen. And the name's Danny, not "kid."
Jed: Well, when you grow up... then you'll know these things, Danny. Now get up here and piss in the radiator.

Jed: [at the execution of Daryl Bates and Stepan Gorsky] Do you want blindfolds?
Stepan: This violates the Geneva convention.
Jed: I never heard of it!
Stepan: Dogface! I show you how Soviet dies!
Robert: I've seen it before, pal.
Danny: [who is tied up in the distance, with the horses] This isn't happening! Jed, let him go! He was one of us!
Jed: Shut up, Danny! Shut up!
Robert: He told them where we were!
Jed: He did. Now get your rifles.
Matt: *No!*
Matt: *We're not doing it!*
Stepan: [to Daryl] Boy, say at me you are friend, so I will not die alone.
Matt: What's the difference, Jed?
Robert: I'll do it.
Matt: Shut up, Robert!
[to Jed]
Matt: *Tell me what's the difference between us and them!*
Jed: Because WE *LIVE* HERE!
[kills Stepan; Robert kills Daryl]

Bruce: Okay, kids, the fantasy's over. It's time to talk now.
Officer: We'll start with your names.
Rick: We don't want to talk to you.
Bruce: I don't remember asking for a vote.
Officer: Someone somewhere has to be very worried about you.