The Best Bricktop Williams Quotes

Louis: You hit an alderman? Goddamnit, Bricks.
Bricktop: He stuck it in my shitbox!
Alderman Fenwick: I did no such thing!
Bricktop: Gave him a chance to pull out and he kept on fuckin', so I gave him a little squirt of my catfish dinner for goin' there. Don't believe me? Check his dick.
Louis: Who the fuck you talkin' to? I ain't checkin' no man's dick.
[Bricks raises Fenwick's shirt]
Louis: Oh, goddamn.
Bricktop: [to Fenwick] Hell, I mighta even said yes if you would just ask. But I don't care who you is, you put a dick in an asshole without askin', that's against Jesus! Fuck you!