The Best Rae Dawn Chong Quotes

Carrie: [placing her pan up in Rhonda's face] Rhonda, you missed a spot!
Rhonda: Excuse me?
Carrie: Right here, on my pan. When you cleaned up after breakfast. See, burned egg, right in the rivets. I said "soak it". I told you to soak it!
Rhonda: That's it?
Carrie: You just don't care. You just have no respect.
Rhonda: Respect? Carrie, you are a nut!
Carrie: And you're a slob!
Rhonda: Look Carrie, I don't think this is gonna work out. I think you ought to find yourself another place to live.
Carrie: Yeah, right after I clean my pan.

Carrie: Oh, well, I see you're using one of my copper pots.
Rhonda: You don't mind, do you?
Carrie: No I don't. That cookware is guaranteed to last a lifetime if you take care of it properly. You know, if I soak that right now, it'll be a lot easier to clean.
Rhonda: Carrie...
Carrie: Ok, well, I was just trying to be...
Rhonda: Helpful. I know, I know.
Carrie: You know what...
Rhonda: For just this once, let me do something for you, Okay?
Carrie: Okay. Rhonda, I just...
Rhonda: Don't you dare touch that pan, Carrie.

Rhonda: [to Carrie after she finds her closet empty] When I left for work this morning, I could've sworn I had a closet full of clothes. And now... And what is this smell?
Carrie: Forest spice.
Rhonda: I beg your pardon?
Carrie: Well, you had a choice between that or sandalwood or patchouli.
Rhonda: What's that?
Carrie: Deodorizer for your shoes.
Rhonda: My shoes? My shoes now smell like pine trees?
Carrie: Like you took a brisk walk in the woods.
Rhonda: I'm afraid to ask about my clothes.
Carrie: Those I sent to the best dry cleaner in town. A place in Beverly Hills.
Rhonda: They don't do smells too?
Carrie: I don't know, but I could ask.
Rhonda: No, no, I like my aroma just fine, thanks. Listen, Carrie, you might want to think about kicking back just a bit. You really don't have to be quite so tidy, do you? Especially with my stuff. I mean, too much of a good thing can be too much.
Carrie: I see what you mean.
Rhonda: Then you'll ease up?
Carrie: Absolutely. I was only trying to be helpful.
Rhonda: That you are.
Carrie: And if there's one thing I understand, that's when to stop.
Rhonda: Good.

Squeak: You just a big ol' heifer!

Paul: Are you one with Christ, Monsieur Lioncourt?
Louis: How 'bout you shut your damn mouth?
Florence: Louis...
Lestat: That's alright, Louis, Madame. The birds speak for him... I came to know Christ in a monastery. I wanted to be a priest. Just like you, Paul.
[Lestat begins to hypnotize Paul]
Lestat: And under the guidance and discipline of the monks who lived there, I came to memorize both testaments, the writings of Assisi, Aquinas, Erasmus, all the saints and scholars. My father, a vulgar man, did not think much of this education. And so he and my brothers conspired to pull me out, lock me away, where, between beatings, starvations and the failure of Christ to intercede the beatings and starvations, I slowly forgot all about the testaments, Assisi, Aquinas, Erasmus, all of it. And so to answer your boring question, there is an ocean between Christ and myself! J'espère que cela satisfera les oiseaux perchés dans la cage de votre esprit!
Louis: [slams the table] Don't do that shit here! Not with my family. You understand?
Lestat: [long pause] I am cursed with my father's temper at times. The rudeness is all mine.
Florence: That's alright. It's the humidity, it does that sometimes.

Carrie: You know, I know I can come off a little compulsive, and maybe anal sometimes. I mean, I've made a whole career out of it. But if I ever get in the way, you just let me know, okay? Because roommates like you are pretty rare, Rhonda. And I wouldn't want to jeopardize our relationship.

Squeak: Harpo! Who dis woman?
Harpo: Now come now, you know who this is.
Squeak: She best'a leave you alone.
Sophia: Fine with me.
Harpo: [to Sophia] You ain't got to go nowhere. Dis here my juke-joint.
Squeak: [to Harpo] You said dis here our juke-joint!
Harpo: Listen woman, can't a man dance with his wife if he wants to?
Squeak: Not if she a heifer!
[to Sophia]
Squeak: And not if he my man! You just a big ol heifer. Ha Ha Ha.
Sophia: [to Squeak] Like I said, fine with me!

Rhonda: I can't seem to find my vitamins.
Carrie: They're right here. I filed them under 'V' for vitamins, see? Between the vegie salt and the V-8 juice.
Rhonda: You alphabetized our kitchen?
Carrie: Yes, yesterday while you were teaching. And I also threw in this kitchen caddy. Sort of as a house warming gift.
Rhonda: Well, thanks.
Carrie: This is last year's model, but nobody will ever know. The newer version has wider shelves for thicker bottles.