The Best O.J. Simpson Quotes

Johnnie: 1978. I just left private practice, gone back to the L.A. D.A., gonna be the first black assistant attorney in office. Gonna change things from the inside. Shit. That wasn't happening. Same old shit, same rigged system. Feeling powerless for the first time in my life. And then my first marriage blows up in my face. My children won't talk to me. I'm a failure at work, I'm a failure at home. I was down, brother. I was way down. Sunday, sitting on my bed, surrounded by dead-end paperwork and divorce lawyer bills, drinking beer... all right, maybe a little bit too much beer... feeling sorry for myself, watching a football game all alone, crappy TV. 49ers versus the Falcons. What I saw you do on that field that day, somehow, as I was watching, it became as if you were running for me. Driving up that field, crowded with adversity and obstacles, getting knocked on your ass and then popping right back up again. See, that's what I wanted to do out there on them streets, back home with my troubles there but couldn't. But you, you, you, you willed what you needed to do into being with nothing but grace.
O.J. Simpson: I scored a touchdown that day.
Johnnie: You did. And when they cut away to the commercial, there you were again, leaping through the airport for Hertz, breaking another barrier with charisma, humor, intelligence. A black man as the public face for one of the world's biggest corporations.
O.J. Simpson: We lost that game.
Johnnie: I don't remember that. I remember everything else about that game but not that. Because it didn't have nothing to do with what touched me. And when the game was over, I got the hell up off that bed and jogged the six blocks back to my office and got right back to work and haven't stopped and wallowed in self-pity since that day. You did that for me. Just like you've done for so many others, because you are O.J. Simpson. You are O.J. Simpson and you are an inspiration.
O.J. Simpson: I am.
Johnnie: You are.
O.J. Simpson: An inspiration.
Johnnie: An inspiration. That's who you are.
O.J. Simpson: Yeah.
Johnnie: You're a man who loves people, who people love right back. That's you. You're a fighter. You're a runner. And when you get knocked down, I need you to pop right back up like you know you can and keep going, because this right here, this right here, O.J. Simpson, is the run of your life.

[in the middle of the slow-speed chase; Al Cowlings is driving the white Ford Bronco while O.J. is in the backseat with a gun to his head]
Al: [panicked] All right, what do you want me to do, O.J.?
O.J. Simpson: [weakly] I should die.
Al: No! Put the gun down, Juice!
O.J. Simpson: *I'm tired of you driving me around, A.C.!*
Al: Tell me what you need!
O.J. Simpson: Take me to the cemetery.
Al: No, man. We did that already.
O.J. Simpson: [weeping] I don't know what is happening. Why is this happening to me? I don't understand. I had such a beautiful family. Nicole and Sydney and Justin...
Al: Think about the kids.
O.J. Simpson: J-just take me home. I want to see Mama.
Al: Brother, we got half the police in California in pursuit! They might not let us.

[during a recess in the trial, Shapiro has walked over to the evidence table. He looks at the evidence glove in plastic. Making sure no one is watching him, he puts his hand over the glove. His hand does not cover the glove. He walks over to his fellow attorneys]
Robert: [quietly] Are any of you interested in something other than a conspiracy theory? Some real, demonstrable evidence? A little bit of real lawyering?
[beat; points over to the evidence]
Robert: Those gloves are too small.
[later in a prison conference room, O.J. and Shapiro stand in front of each other with their palms together; Shapiro's hands are much smaller than O.J.'s]
Johnnie: Yes, Bob.
Robert: I tried the glove on in there myself. It didn't fit. It will never fit him! I think we should have him try it on in court.
Johnnie: I think it's a terrible idea. What if it doesn't work? You don't make a play in there if you don't know the outcome.
Robert: I know the outcome.
O.J. Simpson: My hand is bigger than Bob's! Put me in, Coach!
Johnnie: So, saying we wanted to, how do we present it?
F. Lee Bailey: We don't. We get them to present it.

O.J. Simpson: So they're saying that this racist cop framed me just because I'm black?
Robert: It could explain a lot, Juice. I mean, th-this Fuhrman cop and-and the glove. And why not do everything we can to get you out of here if-if you're not supposed to be here?
O.J. Simpson: I just want to go home, be with my children, do everything that I can to help find the killer, you know?
Robert: O.J., these 911 tapes that have been circulating, they've been playing day and night on all the channels, it's an audio recording in which the world can hear you beating your wife.
O.J. Simpson: Bob, we was just, you know, tussling. I-I can... I can fix this.
Robert: No, no, no, you can't! You can't clear that up! You can't put the genie back in the bottle. Now, there's hope, but you have to listen, and you have to listen very carefully. This race defense is the crux of our case. We need to bring in Johnnie Cochran, and we need to do it now!
O.J. Simpson: No.
Robert: Yes, we do. His angle is the only angle that you will ever see daylight again, do you hear me? Do you hear me?
Robert: He's right, Juice.

Judge: Mr. Cochran, it is my understanding that you have discussed with your client his right to testify.
Johnnie: Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Simpson is waiving his right. But if the court pleases, he would like to make a brief statement regarding the waiver.
Marcia: Your Honor, the People object to the defendant making any statement other than the waiver at this time.
Judge: Counsel, he's not before the jury.
Marcia: Yes, but we are all aware of the realities of this case, the problem with conjugal visits and telephone calls that are only monitored on one side. This is an obvious attempt by the defense to get material to the jury that has not been admitted in court. It is inappropriate and deliberate. I strongly urge the court to exercise control and not permit testimony without cross-examination. Please, Your Honor, don't do this.
Johnnie: My goodness. There's a great deal of fear of the truth in this case. Your Honor, this is still America. Can we still talk?
Judge: All right, go ahead, Mr. Simpson, briefly.
O.J. Simpson: [stands] Good morning, Your Honor. As much as I'd like to address some of the misrepresentations made about myself and my Nicole, concerning our life together, I am mindful of the mood and the stamina of this jury. I am confident, a lot more it seems than Miss Clark, about their integrity, and that they will find, as it now stands, that I did not and could not and would not commit this crime. I have four kids. Two kids I haven't seen in a year. And every week they ask me, "Dad, when are you coming home? How much longer?"
Marcia: [clears throat] All right...
O.J. Simpson: I just want this trial to be over.
Judge: All right, thank you, Mr. Simpson.
O.J. Simpson: Thank you, Your Honor.
Marcia: You want to address misrepresentations about you and Nicole? Take a seat in the blue chair and we can have a discussion.
[O.J. quickly shakes his head no]

Detective: [on tape] O.J., when was the last time you saw Nicole?
O.J. Simpson: [on tape] Yesterday, when we were leaving our daughter's dance recital. It ended at about, uh, 6:30, 6:45, something like that.
Detective: [on tape] And what time did you get back home?
O.J. Simpson: [on tape] Oh... 7:00-something. I'm trying to think... Did I leave? You know, I had to run and get my daughter, uh, recital flowers. Then I called my girlfriend Paula as I headed to her house. And Paula wasn't home.
Marcia: What... what did he say? Did he buy flowers before or after the recital? Did he even go to Paula's house?
Gil: Shh.
Detective: [on tape] And when did you park your Bronco on Rockingham?
O.J. Simpson: [on tape] 8:00-something. 7:00. 8:00... 9:00--I don't know, around that area. And then I was sitting with Kato. He hadn't done a Jacuzzi, so we went and got a burger.
Marcia: '7:00, 8:00, 9:00.' That's not an answer. Guys, lock him to a timeframe. Pin him to a version of the story he can't change later!
Detective: [on tape] And what about your left hand there? How did you get that injury?
O.J. Simpson: [on tape] Oh, I don't know. Uh... the first time I was in Chicago. Yeah, and I got back to the house, and I was running around and, uh, I broke a glass. Yeah, and then one of your guys just called. Uh, actually, uh... uh, I cut it before. Maybe I opened it. But it's no big deal. I bleed all the time. I golf, you know.
O.J. Simpson: It's always something. Nicks and stuff, yeah.
Gil: [stopping the tape] That's it.
Marcia: Well, I can't tell. Did he cut his hand in Los Angeles or Chicago? How did he injure himself? This is a fiasco! Why did the cops tolerate it?
Gil: 'Cause they're not used to grilling a star. He's The Juice. He rushed more than 2,000 yards in one season.
Marcia: I have no idea what that means, but you know what? It shouldn't matter. He got away with beating her, he's not gonna get away with killing her!

Robert: When I have pent-up anger, what I use is boxing...
O.J. Simpson: When I want to hear from you, I'll rattle my zipper! Now get the hell outta here, Bob!

O.J. Simpson: You wanna make this a black thing? That's why you want Cochran. Well, I'm not black, I'm O.J.

[Robert Shapiro meeting with O.J. Simpson and Robert Kardashian for the first time]
Robert: Believe me, Howard Weitzman is a very capable lawyer, but I agree with you. You can't afford any more missteps. In a situation like this, you have to stay ahead of the events. It's the same thing I told Johnny Carson when I represented him. You have to hire the best experts, the top investigators.
O.J. Simpson: Already?
Robert: Yes. And you have to stay ahead of the leads to make sure they don't grow stale. And just so you know, the DA is going to throw all their resources at this. They have a very bad rep for losing cases to the rich and famous. They're gonna do anything they can to win.
Robert: O.J. has a very good relationship with the cops. They come over for tennis sometimes. Saturday pool parties.
Robert: That's useful. That's good to know. You know, I wonder... Rob, what do you think of the idea that you join the team, too? You could reactivate your license, and you might provide a special insight to us.
O.J. Simpson: Absolutely. I think that's a great idea. Bobby understands me.
Robert: We've been friends forever. When Kris and I broke up, The Juice was there for me every night. I-I'd do anything for this man.
Robert: Good. OK. Now there's one final thing. There's something I need to talk to O.J. about privately. Do you mind, Rob?
Robert: No. Of course.
[Kardashian leaves the room]
Robert: Any time that I take on a new criminal case, I always ask the client a question. Now, I won't be judgmental, but I think that it's crucial that the attorney and the client are truthful with each other. So anything you tell me is completely confidential and will never leave this room. So... O.J., did you do it?
O.J. Simpson: No. I loved her.

[while watching the slow-speed chase at O.J.'s house in Rockingham, Robert Kardashian gets a call from the man himself]
Robert: Juice?
O.J. Simpson: Bob. Bob, I've been looking for you. I called the house in Encino and you weren't there. I don't know if you heard what's happening.
Robert: Uh, yeah, I heard, Juice. It's on every channel.
O.J. Simpson: I... I just wanted to tell you that I love you, Bobby. Bobby, you're the best.
Robert: You know I feel the same, Juice.
O.J. Simpson: [sighs] Remember how much fun we used to have? Wow. Remember the night the four of us went to that steakhouse that used to be on La Cienega? I forget the name. You, me, Nicole, Kris - we had some fun times together. I want you to tell everybody that I love 'em. Say good-bye for me. Say good-bye to Don Ohlmeyer, Skip Taft, Wayne Hughes. Louis Marx, Marcus Allen. Cathy and Reggie. If I'm forgetting anybody, please let 'em know.
Robert: You're gonna tell them yourself, Juice, okay? You're gonna see them all again.
O.J. Simpson: No. I just wanna go home and see my mama one last time.
[helicopters whirl overhead at Rockingham]
Robert: Yeah, I'm not sure coming home right now is such a hot idea.

Judge: Mr. Simpson. Are you ready to enter a plea at this time?
O.J. Simpson: Yes, Your Honor.
Judge: And how do you plead to counts one and two?
O.J. Simpson: [confidently] Absolutely 100% not guilty.

[after he is continually put on and off hold on a phone call with the defense team]
O.J. Simpson: I-I-I pray to the Lord, sweet baby black Jesus, you put me on hold one more time, Negro.

[Shapiro meets with O.J. in the jail conference room]
Robert: O.J. Everything all right?
[O.J. says nothing]
Robert: So late. Where is everyone?
[O.J. still remains silent]
Robert: [smiles] Ah. Quality time then.
O.J. Simpson: Where's your "I Love Cops" pin?
Robert: That was just a political positioning, if you will.
O.J. Simpson: What are you up to, Bob? Why you be half-stepping?
Robert: I don't know what that means.
O.J. Simpson: Why do you keep trying to undermine Johnnie? Hmm? Crossing the quarterback all the time now. I see it. Everybody sees it. It's palpable. So, I'll ask you again, Bob. What the hell are you up to?
Robert: Okay, well, Johnnie and I have our differences, and we're clearing them up. But I'm glad, I'm -- I'm very glad that we're discussing this, because, O.J., I think this whole wild LAPD conspiracy theory is going to backfire on us.
O.J. Simpson: Bob! You were the one that came up with this idea.
Robert: No, no, no, I didn't. I came up with a "bad apple" idea.
O.J. Simpson: No.
Robert: But Johnnie, John...
O.J. Simpson: No! No! It was your play! You were the first one to use the word "conspiracy". You were the one that said no one but Johnnie could make this work. You teed this whole thing up, man! *So I don't wanna hear no bullshit in the third quarter*! You hear me?
Robert: Okay. You can say what you want, you can yell all night, but everything I do out there is for your best interest. It's what I do. It's my agenda for you. And if you recall correctly, it is why you came to me *first*!