The Best Steven Pasquale Quotes

Dale: This plan is stupid. Let's just leave town now.
Dallas: 'Cause we're not going to make it out of town without weapons, dickhead. You're too stupid to talk, Dale. Shut up.

Gil: Has Ito ruled on the tapes?
Marcia: Not yet. And we're fighting to keep them out. But while we were reviewing them, we heard something... unexpected. You should sit. This is bad.
Gil: No, I know. He hates Mexicans, he uses the "N"-word, he's a sexist pig. He utters every racial slur known to man.
Marcia: Yes, all of that is true, but there's sort of an O. Henry twist. Somebody he hates that none of us saw coming.
Gil: Okay.
Detective: [on tape] I hate this woman, you know the type... dyed blonde, one-inch roots, slumped shoulders, a pouch big enough to hide cats in. She's the only marsupial on the police force. Peggy barely worked in the field.
Gil: Wait, whoa. Peggy? Is he talking about Peggy York, Ito's WIFE?
Detective: [on tape] It sickens me that she's a captain. I refuse to take orders from her. She's as far from a policeman as I've seen. Hell, she's as far from a woman as I've seen. She just sucked and f...
Gil: [slams stop on the tape player; in disbelief] What did he just say?
Christopher: He says that she sucked...
Gil: Is he saying that -- that... Oh, I cannot believe this! Jesus! Our star witness insulting the judge's wife!
Marcia: Yes, not only does Fuhrman hate blacks, he hates Peggy York, the highest ranking woman in the LAPD.
Gil: Didn't she sign the affidavits?
Marcia: Sure, when Ito was assigned to the case, Peggy claimed she had no memory of any dealings with Fuhrman. Which seems hard to believe since we learned she reprimanded him for writing "KKK" on a Martin Luther King poster.
Gil: Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. So, which means that she can be called as a material witness, in which case Ito has to disqualify himself, which means we're looking at a mistrial! That's $6 million of taxpayers' money. One year of work. We're looking at a mistrial? Shit, the constituents will freak out! This screams gross incompetence.

Dallas: Eddie, people are dying. We need guns.
Morales: The National Guard'll be here soon.
Dallas: Not soon enough.


Kelly: Everyone, get in the Stryker! I'll drive.
Dallas: You sure you can drive that thing? All right, I'll get on the gun.
Kelly: Don't miss.
Dallas: Don't crash.

F. Lee Bailey: Let me put it simply: are you saying under oath that you have not addressed any black person as a nigger or spoken about any black people as niggers in the past ten years while on the police force, Detective Fuhrman?
Detective: Yes, that's what I am saying.
F. Lee Bailey: So that anyone who comes to this court and quotes you using that word to describe or refer to African Americans would be a liar? Would they not, Detective Fuhrman?
Detective: Yes, they would.
F. Lee Bailey: All of them?
Detective: All of them.
F. Lee Bailey: Thank you. No further questions.

Dallas: All right, listen, whatever happens inside, the only person that can't get hurt is Kelly, all right? We all protect Kelly.
Drew: What is this, the Titanic? Screw the women and children first shit, man.
Dallas: Look, asshole, unless you can fly the helicopter, shut the fuck up.

Dallas: Why don't we just climb down from where they threw your keys?
Ricky: So Jesse can see me climb out covered in shit? No thanks.
Dallas: Wait a second. We're gonna be covered in shit?

Dallas: [to Kelly after the chopper crashes] I thought I told you not to crash.

Dallas: You want some help?
Morales: I don't know, Dallas.
Dallas: Come on. I'll ride in the back.

Dallas: You bastards killed the entire town.
Special: We're just following orders.

Dallas: [to Ricky] Get to the chopper!

Kelly: It doesn't make any sense. Gilliam Circle is right in the center of town. We'll be surrounded by those things.
Dallas: Wait a second... what are you saying?
Kelly: I think the colonel was lying.
Darcy: That's crazy. The government doesn't lie to people.
Kelly: The army thinks about containment first. They can't risk this getting any worse.
Morales: Help is a few miles down that road and they're waiting for us. Now, it you won't drive us there, I will.
Dallas: Eddie, if she's right, the only thing down that road are more of those things.
Morales: You're not seriously considering this.
Dallas: I'm considering whatever keeps us alive.
Kelly: Which means getting out of this town.
Darcy: There are only two helicopters in town, but one's in the airport.
Dallas: No, it's too far. We'll never make it.
Ricky: The other one's at the hospital.
Morales: The people at the hospital probably used it to get out.
Kelly: That's a chance we have to take.
Morales: If you're wrong and the helicopter's gone, we're all dead.
Kelly: If I'm right, they're dead if they follow you.

Marcia: Your Honor, can we curtail this performance piece? The witness has already made clear that he will not answer any further questions.
Johnnie: Actually, Your Honor, may I ask just one last question?
[Ito nods as a yes]
Johnnie: Thank you... Oh. Detective Fuhrman... did you plant or manufacture any evidence in this case?
Detective: I assert my Fifth Amendment privilege.
Johnnie: No further questions, Your Honor.