The Best Maura Grace Athari Quotes

Lestat: We had a good run, but I did it for Louis. I do everything for Louis.
Antoinette: Yeah, I heard that about you two.
Lestat: Oh? What have you heard?
Antoinette: I'm not a gossip.
Lestat: But I am.
Antoinette: Well, people at the Azalea, they say...
[Lestat runs his hands along Antoinette's waist]
Antoinette: You're confusing me.
Lestat: Oh, come now. I don't bite. What do the employees of the Azalea say about Louis and Lestat?
Antoinette: I'll answer with a question. Are there two beds upstairs or one?
Lestat: Do you want to find out?
Louis: No one goes upstairs, Miss Brown.
Antoinette: Well, there's my answer.
Lestat: Still, what do you imagine confines us to a single note? Why not a chord? Why not a cluster?

Antoinette: Mr. Louis, you have to convince Lestat to keep playin'.
Louis: Got a better chance makin' the Mississippi run north.
Lestat: We had a good run, but I did it for Louis. I do everything for Louis.

Lestat: She's an affected, self-absorbed, nasty little creature who's fooled herself into thinking she's smarter than she is and she is poisoning Louis against me.
Antoinette: You don't need her and you don't need him. They don't appreciate you like I do.
Lestat: I have given her so many gifts, so many incalculable gifts. And you're right, it is *both* of them. He broods. She snipes. That's why I need you. You fortify me against them.

[Louis bursts into Antoinette's house to find her and Lestat naked in bed]
Louis: [shouting] Six years of begging. You think a song's gon' get a rise out of me?
Lestat: Did you like it?
Louis: This her singing?
Lestat: It's a clear voice. I wanted to obstacle to the lyric.
[Louis smashes the record]
Louis: Write me a song and put your lover's voice on it? What the fuck is wrong with your head?
Lestat: Louis, you're soaking wet.
Louis: I swim faster than I drive.
[to Antoinette]
Louis: Put some clothes on. Get the fuck out.
Antoinette: This is my house.
Louis: Do I look like I care?
Antoinette: Lestat.
Lestat: Leave.
[to Louis]
Lestat: You swam the Mississippi to find me?
Louis: I hate you.
Lestat: As you should.