The Best Bridget Nylund Quotes

Rose: [Offscreen] Oh, my God!
[Blanche and Dorothy get up from the table and go into the bedroom where Rose is talking to see what is wrong]
Bridget: [Sheepishly; Bridget is in bed with Michael] Hi there.
Rose: Oh, girls, don't look!
Dorothy: Michael Zbornak, you get out of that bed *right* now!
Michael: Believe me, Mom, I'd like to, but in light of the fact that my clothes are hanging on the doorknob, I don't think it's such a good idea.
Rose: Oh, my God, they're naked!
Dorothy: People usually are in this situation, Rose.
Blanche: Unless they're all dressed up in costumes.
[Dorothy gives Blanche a look and Rose winces]
Blanche: Sorry.
Sophia: [Enter Sophia] What's all the commotion?
[Sees Bridget and Michael in bed]
Sophia: Oh, *boy.*
Michael: Grandma, this isn't what it looks like.
Sophia: Please, I'm 80 years old. I may not remember what it feels like, but I sure as hell remember what it *looks* like.

Rose: Oh honey, I so wanted your first time to be special.
Bridget: It was, Mom - four years ago.
Rose: Oh, I really don't want to talk about this.
Bridget: I want us to talk about this. I want us to have an open, honest relationship. I want to be able to share my deepest, darkest secrets with you.
Rose: Couldn't we just wear matching outfits?