The Best Bruce Banner Quotes

Betty: What is it like? When it happens, what do you experience?
Bruce: Remember those experiments we volunteered for at Harvard? Those induced hallucination? It's a lot like that, just a thousand times amplified. It's like someone poured a litre of acid into my brain.
Betty: Do you remember anything?
Bruce: Just fragments. Images. There's too much noise. I can never derive anything out of it.
Betty: But then it's still YOU inside of it.
Bruce: No. No, it's not.
Betty: I don't know. In the cave, I really felt like it knew me. Maybe your mind is in there, it's just overcharged and can't process what's happening.
Bruce: I don't want to control it. I want to get rid of it.

[as they're kissing, Bruce's heart monitor on his watch rapidly raises]
Bruce: We can't do this.
Betty: It's okay. I want to.
Bruce: No. No. I can't. I can't get too excited.

Betty: [yells at taxi driver] Asshole!
Bruce: You know, I know a few techniques that could help you manage that anger effectively.
Betty: You zip it. We're walking.
Bruce: Ok.

Bruce: [in a poor Portuguese] Don't make me hungry. You wouldn't like me when I'm hungry.
Tough: [in Portuguese] What the hell he is talking about?

Bruce: [speaking Brazilian Portuguese while confronting bullies at work] Don't make me... hungry. You wouldn't like me when I'm... hungry.
[in English, to himself]
Bruce: Uh... that's not right.

[first lines]
Bruce: Is it ready?

Bruce: [as he jumps from the helicopter to change into The Hulk and doesn't, he continues to fall] Oh, shit!

Betty: [Betty and Bruce need to get across town in New York City] The subway is probably quickest.
Bruce: Me in a metal tube, deep underground with hundreds of people in the most aggressive city in the world?
Betty: Right. Let's get a cab.

Bruce: [in Portuguese] Stop. Please. Me... angry... very bad.
Tough: *You* bad angry, "G"? I very bad angry.
Bruce: Oh, no. You don't understand! Something very bad is about to happen here!

Samuel: If we overshoot this by even the smallest integer, we're dealing with concentrations with extraordinary levels of toxicity.
Betty: You mean it could kill him.
Samuel: Kill him? Yeah, I should say so.
Bruce: You should know that there's a flip side to this, too. If we miss on the low side, if we induce me and it fails, this will be very dangerous for you.
Samuel: I've always been more curious than cautious, and that's served me pretty well.

Bruce: Stan, I give you my word. Whatever you've heard about me, it's not true.
Stanley: Oh, I know it. I always knew it. I mean, you know how I felt about you two.
[Bruce nods]
Stanley: Have you talked to her?
Bruce: No. She doesn't know that I'm here.
Bruce: She's with somebody?
Stanley: Yeah, He's a head-shrink. They say he's one of the best. But a really nice guy.
Bruce: Oh... Good. That's good.
Stanley: Bruce. What can I do to help you?
Bruce: I could use a bed for a few nights.
Stanley: Ah. You can have the spare room upstairs.
Bruce: That'd be so great.
Bruce: There's, uh, there's one other thing...