The Best Emil Blonsky Quotes

Major: Are you telling me you can make more like him?
Samuel: No! Not yet. I sorted out a few pieces, but it's not like I can put together the same Humpty Dumpty if that's what you're asking. He was a freak accident! The goal is to it better!
Major: So Banner's the only...
[Blonsky knocks her out from behind]
Emil: She's an annoying bitch.
Samuel: Why are you always hitting people?
[cocks gun, points it at Sterns]
Samuel: Now what possibly could I have done to deserve such aggression?
Emil: It's not what you've done. It's what you're gonna do. I want what you got out of Banner. I want that.
Samuel: You look like you've got a little something in you already, don't you?
Emil: I want more. You've seen what he becomes, right?
Samuel: I have. And it's beautiful. Godlike.
Emil: Well, I want that. I need that. Make me that.
Samuel: I don't know what you've got inside you already. The mix could be an abomination.
[Blonsky grabs Sterns and lifts him up]
Samuel: I didn't say I was unwilling. I just need informed consent. And you've given it.

Abomination: [to the Hulk] You don't deserve this power. Now watch her DIE!

Soldier: How are you feeling, man?
Emil: Like a monster.

[Blonsky is antagonizing the Hulk]
Emil: [haughtily; to the Hulk] Well... Is that it?
Gen. Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross: [through a walkie-talkie] Blonsky, pull back now!
[Blonsky bad-temperedly pulls the earpiece out of his ear and throws it away]
Emil: Is that all you've got?
The: [growls] Grrr...
[the Hulk kicks Blonsky like a soccerball; Blonsky slams into a tree and falls down to the ground, not moving]

[Blonsky finds a photo of Betty in Banner's apartment]
Emil: A girlfriend? She helps him, maybe?
Gen. Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross: [confiscating the photo] She is no longer a factor, we closed those doors to him a long time ago. He's alone. He wants to be alone.

Emil: Forgive me, sir? Doesn't anybody want to talk about what went down in there? 'Cause... He didn't lose us. And he was not alone sir. We had him. And then something hit us... Something BIG hit us! It threw a forklift truck like it was a SOFTBALL! It was the most powerful thing I've ever seen.
Gen. Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross: Well, it's gone.
Emil: Well, if Banner knows what it is, I'm gonna track him down, I'm gonna put my foot on his throat, and I'm gonna...
Gen. Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross: That was Banner. IT was Banner.
Emil: You have to explain that statement, sir.
Gen. Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross: No I don't. You've done a good job. Pack up and get our men on a plane. We're going home.

Gen. Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross: You must realize that what I'm about to tell you is very sensitive, both to me and to the Army. You know that we have a Bio-Force Department, and that we had a bio-force enhancement research project developed during World War II...
Emil: A Super-Soldier.
Gen. Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross: A simplification, but yes. We decided to dust it off, and give it another go, aiming to create the better soldier. Banner's work was very early-phase. It wasn't even weapons application, he thought he was working on radiation resistance. I would never have told him what it was really for, but he was so sure about what he was doing he tested it on himself. And something went very wrong... or it went very right.

Gen. Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross: [speaking to Blonsky in his hospital bed] How are you feeling?
Emil: Pissed off, and ready for round three.

Gen. Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross: How old are you, Blonsky, forty-five?
Emil: Thirty-nine.
Gen. Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross: That takes a toll, doesn't it?
Emil: Yes, it does.
Gen. Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross: So get out of the trenches. You should be a Colonel by now, with your record.
Emil: No, sir, I'm a fighter, and I'll be one for as long as I can. Mind you, if I took what I had now, and put it in a body that I had ten years ago, that would be someone I wouldn't want to fight
Gen. Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross: [thoughtfully] I think I can arrange something like that...

Emil: I've had missions go wrong, and seen good people go down, all because someone didn't tell them what they were walking into. I moved on because that's the job, and that's what we do. But this... this is a whole new level of weird, and I don't think I want to step away from it. Sir, if you're going to take another crack at him, I want in. And with respect, sir, you'll need a team that's prepared and ready to fight, because if that thing shows up again... you're going to have a lot of professional tough guys pissing in their pants, sir.

Major: Sir, Blonsky...
Gen. Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross: [expecting the worst] Does anyone know if he has any next-of-kin or family?
Major: Ask him yourself...
Emil: [salutes Ross, in perfect health] Sir!

Emil: [attacking Bruce] Where is it? Show it to me!
[the Hulk doesn't appear]
Gen. Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross: If you've taken it from me, I'm going to put you in a hole for the rest of your life.

[repeated line]
Emil: Is that it? Is that all you've got?

Abomination: Give me a REAL fight!

Abomination: [Preparing to finish off General Ross and Betty Ross] General... Any last words?
The: Hulk... SMASH!
[the Hulk smashes the ground making a quake making the Abomination get his foot stuck]