The Best Cedric Diggory Quotes

Cedric: For a moment there, I thought you were going to let it get me.
Harry: For a moment there, so did I!

James: Harry! When the connection is broken you MUST get to the Portkey. We can linger for a moment to give you some time but only a moment. Do you understand?
Cedric: Harry. Take my body back, will you? Take my body back to my father.
Lily: Let go. Sweetheart, you're ready. Let go... LET GO!

Cedric: I realize I never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about those dragons.
Harry: Forget about it. I'm sure you would've done the same for me.
Cedric: Exactly. You know the Prefects' bathroom on the fifth floor? It's not a bad place for a bath. Just take your egg and... mull things over in the hot water.

Harry: [after being Portkeyed away from the maze during the Third Task Harry suddenly realizes where they are] Cedric, we have to get back to the cup. NOW.
Cedric: What are you talking about?
Harry: [Flames burst beneath a huge stone cauldron as the door to a nearby house opens, revealing someone carrying a blanket-wrapped bundle. Harry drops to his knees, clutching his scar in agony] AAAAAGH!
Cedric: Harry, what is it?
Harry: Get back to the cup!
Cedric: [Cedric stands up, wand at the ready to defend both himself and Harry] Who are you? What do you want?
Voldemort: Kill the spare!
Harry: NO! CEDRIC!
[Harry can only watch as Cedric is blasted off his feet and hits the ground behind him, dead]