The Best Celia Burroughs Quotes

Celia: [Trying to persuade Sharpe to stay] How might *General* Sharpe sound?
Richard: No disrespect to your father ma'am, but I think this place has seen enough generals for a while!

William: [Cecilia is bathing, and Dodd has snuck in] I trust your new quarters are more to your liking!
Celia: [surprised, Cecilia hides her body] General Dodd!
[Recovers herself]
Celia: I hardly think it proper for you to be alone in a woman's quarters!
William: Fortunately, madam, there lies a region in which I am well traveled.
Celia: What is it you want?
William: Merely to ask after your comfort.
Celia: To the best of my knowledge, sir, you were once an officer in the British army.
William: It was the East India Company in which I serve. But let's not split hairs over such trifling matters. Your point?
Celia: My point, sir, is that if any vestige of gentlemanly conduct you absorbed while in British company remains, I would urge you to act upon it.
William: [grins] Alas, madam, these past years I find I'm moved by impulses far more... corporeal.
Celia: If I understood you were right the other evening, general, you made a gift of me to the rajah.
William: What of it?
Celia: Nothing. I am merely imagining his disappointment to find that his gift had already been unwrapped!
William: [frowns in anger for a moment] Any man would wish you health under his Highness. For he'll take more care in its opening than I will!
[walks out, leaving Celia speechless]