Top 20 Quotes From Sharpe

Harper: [after Sharpe and Harper just escaped from the prison cell, only to be facing Dodd's professional killers] Out of the frying pan...!
Sharpe: it's just not our bloody night, Pat!

Richard: Bad powder! Good trick, that. I'll remember that one.
William: Be sure that you do.

Richard: [Dodd slashes Sharpe across the stomach during their duel] I thought this were just practicing!
William: You're holding back. Is that how you'll fight the redcoats when it comes to close quarters? Test me, man! Test me!

Richard: You want me to go back to India?

Richard: You got your throne. How does it feel, your Majesty?

Sharpe: Now will you take me to Wellington, or should I dig the bugger out myself?
Rawlinson: Splendid! Splendid!
[they enter Wellington's study]
Wellington: What's this nonsense I hear? You've turned swords to plowshares and become a farmer in France?
Sharpe: Aye, it's true enough, Your Grace.
Wellington: Suits you, this life?
Sharpe: Well, no buggers trying to shoot me the livelong day, so aye, suits me!

General: You should be wary of this one, McRae. He thinks because Wellington raised him up from the sewer that it somehow makes him a gentleman. Don't know your place, do you Sharpie?
Richard: Maybe not, but I know how to stand before a French column. I know how to face fire without soiling my breeches and turning tail.

Patrick: How long do you think the outer wall will hold?
Richard: It's not meant to hold. It's meant to *come down*!
Patrick: There's nothing more teasing to a besieging army than a great bloody breach...!

Sgt: Easier to be brave, with rank and new sunlight behind! I hope you sleep light, Colonel, lest you find some morning you wake up to find your throat slit!
Richard: Is that a threat, Sergeant?
Sgt: You take it as you please.
Richard: Oh, I do. So come on, let's sort it out here and now, just you and me.
Sgt: [laughs] I weren't born yesterday neither, Colonel. 'Tis a hanging offense to strike an officer!
Richard: But like you said, I'm no company officer.
Sgt: All the same, I'll not hit a man wearing the King's Uniform.
Richard: No? No? Well that's easily remedied.
[starts unbuttoning his uniform when Bickerstaff sucker punches and kicks him in the face]
Sgt: Officers?
[laughs as he walks away]
Sgt: I've shat 'em!
Richard: Shadrach.
[Bickerstaff turns and Sharpe knocks his teeth out]

Mohan: Where are you going?
Richard: [points at the scene of the massacre] After the bastards that did this, where do you think?

Richard: [after knocking Bickerstaff to the ground] Next time I give an order, you bloody jump to. Understand?
Sgt: [groans incomprehensibly; as Sharpe walks away, he pulls a knife from his boot and charges]
Patrick: [notices the ambush] Richard!
Richard: [Sharpe turns and headbutts him in the face] Come at me with a knife, will ya? You little gutless bastard!
[pummels him before being pulled off by Harper]
Richard: Had enough, Shadrach?

Sharpe: [trying to get official permission to leave on a special mission] If Captain Singh and his Lancers help me, Mr. Harper and I should prove sufficient to the job.
Simmerson: You and Harper, eh? - I don't mind if you do die, Sharpe. It's long past your time, ain't it?
Sharpe: If that's permission...
Simmerson: Oh, by all means. Go and die, Sharpe!

Richard: It's a poor bloody spot for a tea party, Captain. Bandit country, and that one picket horse along the track, might call that reckless.

Simmerson: The second rule of war, Sharpe, which you'd know if you'd ever learned anything beyond insolence towards your superiors, is: never reinforce failure!
Sharpe: Oh, i know that rule. Though judging by that birchet on your shoulder, it seems *this* army is resolved to prove you its living exception!

Gudin: [inquiring as to where Sharpe is going] And yourself?
Sharpe: We've got a bloody army to save!

Richard: [examining the Indian guns] Rusted dog screw. Would you say this is good enough, Corporal Harper?
Patrick: That I wouldn't, Sergeant. No, that I wouldn't!

General: Sharpe! I see time has done nothing to improve a want of etiquette in you. Still the same, whore-mongering, gutter trash of memory!
Richard: Aye, and you're still the same cruel, flogging bastard!
General: Cruel, sir? I calls it discipline!

Celia: [Trying to persuade Sharpe to stay] How might *General* Sharpe sound?
Richard: No disrespect to your father ma'am, but I think this place has seen enough generals for a while!

Richard: Dodd. 'General Dodd will insist', Gudin said.
Patrick: Who is he?
Richard: The Company renegade you've been trying to find, for one.
Patrick: And for two?
Richard: A murdering bastard.
Patrick: Do you know him?
[Sharpe nods]
Patrick: - Does *he* know *you*?
Richard: He had a lot on his mind that day at Chaselgaon.
Patrick: Chaselgaon? - Shite! I'll take that as a 'Let's hope not', then.

William: Sergeant. Can you use a sword?
Richard: Aye sir, sometimes sir, when I need to.
William: Good, then oblige me. It's been a while since I matched steel with an Englishman.
Richard: Begging your pardon sir, but - I'm drilled as a rifleman, and no match for your Generalship.
William: I'll be the judge of that, choose your blade.
Richard: I'd sooner not, sir, if it's all right with you.
William: ...Choose your blade.
[Sharpe goes to the table of swords]
William: So what brings you to His Highness's service?
Richard: [sets down a blade and picks up another] As we told Colonel Gudin, sir...
William: [Dodd lunges and Sharpe barely blocks with the still-sheathed sword] You weren't ready for me.
Richard: No, sir.
William: Well let that serve as a lesson to you. The enemy won't announce his intention to strike, and neither will I!
[Sharpe unsheathes his sword and they begin dueling]
William: That's better, Sharpe, much better.
Richard: I learn fast, sir.
William: So it seems.