The Best Sgt. Bickerstaff Quotes

Sgt: Easier to be brave, with rank and new sunlight behind! I hope you sleep light, Colonel, lest you find some morning you wake up to find your throat slit!
Richard: Is that a threat, Sergeant?
Sgt: You take it as you please.
Richard: Oh, I do. So come on, let's sort it out here and now, just you and me.
Sgt: [laughs] I weren't born yesterday neither, Colonel. 'Tis a hanging offense to strike an officer!
Richard: But like you said, I'm no company officer.
Sgt: All the same, I'll not hit a man wearing the King's Uniform.
Richard: No? No? Well that's easily remedied.
[starts unbuttoning his uniform when Bickerstaff sucker punches and kicks him in the face]
Sgt: Officers?
[laughs as he walks away]
Sgt: I've shat 'em!
Richard: Shadrach.
[Bickerstaff turns and Sharpe knocks his teeth out]

Richard: [grabs Bickerstaff while the sergeant is beating an Indian soldier] Damnit! Stand off!
Sgt: Mind your damn business!
Richard: I'm not going to tell you again.
Sgt: Who in the bloody hell are you to give me orders? You're no company officer!
Richard: No, Sgt. Bickerstaff, I'm not. I'm from a proper army, that knows how to deal with bullying bastards like you!

Richard: [after knocking Bickerstaff to the ground] Next time I give an order, you bloody jump to. Understand?
Sgt: [groans incomprehensibly; as Sharpe walks away, he pulls a knife from his boot and charges]
Patrick: [notices the ambush] Richard!
Richard: [Sharpe turns and headbutts him in the face] Come at me with a knife, will ya? You little gutless bastard!
[pummels him before being pulled off by Harper]
Richard: Had enough, Shadrach?

Sgt: May I say, how grateful I am, sir, for giving me this chance to prove myself...
William: You've proven yourself already. As a model of self-interest! I confess, you put even my *own* ambitions to shame!