The Best Mohan Singh Quotes

Richard: What do you reckon then, Pat? This Khande Rao can be taken?
Patrick: Well, he has a reputation of being a real monster.
Mohan: [comes up from behind a tent] If he is a monster, Mr. Harper, then he's one of British making.
Richard: How's that, Captain?
Mohan: The Company have only maintained the peace here by keeping the princes at each other's throats. Khande Rao's father: he feared his neighbours more than he hated the British. And so it was your country that kept him supplied with arms.
Patrick: That sounds just like the English, getting someone else to do its dirty work!
Mohan: The son is not the father, however. Khande Rao wants you out of our country, once and for all. It is a view with which I cannot say I do not have some sympathy.
Richard: So why are you fighting with us?
Mohan: Khande Rao is... a sworn enemy of my blood. And that makes you my enemy's enemy, and therefore, a necessary evil. Good day to you
[inclines his head]
Mohan: both.
Patrick: I don't think I like the sound of that. A necessary evil...
Richard: Have we ever been else?
Patrick: Oh... and there was me thinking we were always on the side of the angels.

General: A battle's no place for private vengeance, Captain. Not when there's a job to be done.
Mohan: Sir, whether I fight for my blood, or for the sake of his Britannic Majesty, a dead bandit is a dead bandit!
General: Very well, if you're so resolved, I suppose you must go.
Mohan: Thank you sir.

Mohan: Mr. Harper! Well, it would appear we have been premature in our prayers at your passing.
Patrick: Luck of the Irish, captain. You can't beat it!

Mohan: Where are you going?
Richard: [points at the scene of the massacre] After the bastards that did this, where do you think?