The Best Chief Administrative Judge Quotes

Chief: The district attorney brought this matter to me with some reluctance.
Judge: Well-deserved. I'm trying to run a trial; I don't have time to...
Chief: Make some. I'm taking this seriously.
Judge: Because a young woman can't take a joke?
A.D.A. Jamie Ross: I'm not pressing any charge.
Chief: She could! You should thank her.
Judge: Fine; thanks. Goodbye.
Chief: I'm more concerned about the general tenor of this trial.
Judge: You know how I run a trial, George.
Chief: Yes - expeditiously. And usually, fairly.
Judge: *Always* fairly.
Jack: You've been hostile to the people. Demeaning to their representatives, interfering with their witnesses...
Judge: You expect me to sit there like a lump, while he springs surprise witnesses? Half-baked appeals, revised indictments? To turn my courtroom inside out - to win a case he should have lost the first time!
Chief: Nathan - you're not supposed to care who wins, remember?
D.A. Adam Schiff: ...Your honor, I'd like to request...
Chief: No need. Nathan, you just caught a bad case of the flu, and are unable to continue presiding over this trial. I'm assigning Judge Bryant.
Judge: George...
Chief: Would you rather be sick? Or be facing the commission on judicial conduct?