The Best Christian Redl Quotes

General: The enemy has broken through along a wide front. They've taken Zossen to the south, and are advancing to Stahnsdorf. They're now on the northern outskirts between Frohnau and Pankow. They've reached Lichtenberg, Mahlsdorf and Karlshorst to the east.
Adolf: Steiner's assault will bring it under control.
General: My fuhrer, Steiner...
Generaloberst: Steiner couldn't mobilize enough men. He was unable to carry out the assault.
Adolf: [Removes glasses] These men will stay here: Kietel, Jodl, Krebs and Burgdorf.

Generalfeldmarschall: The Führer has lost all sense of reality.
Generaloberst: He moves divisions that only exist on his map. Steiner's scattered unit can hardly defend itself and yet, Steiner is ordered to attack! It's pure madness!
SS: Then why don't you tell him yourself?
Generalfeldmarschall: He won't listen to reason. You should know that.
SS: Something must be done.
Generalfeldmarschall: Are you insane? We'll be thrown out like Rundstedt and Guderian!
SS: Yes, and?
Generaloberst: [glares at Fegelein] We are soldiers! We pledged our allegiance to the Führer!
SS: So that means we are no longer allowed to think?
General: All this coming from you? An opportunist? A ruthless careerist?
SS: Pardon?
[Burgdorf takes a swig of alcohol]

Generalfeldmarschall: Even at the risk of repeating myself, the Ninth army must be withdrawn, otherwise it is surrounded and wiped out! We must now...
Adolf: The Ninth army will not retreat. Tell Busse to fight where he stands.
Generaloberst: My Führer, then the Ninth army will be lost.
Adolf: We will repel the Soviet troops advancing to the North and East, with a relentless and almighty assault.
Generaloberst: With what force, my Führer?
Adolf: Steiner's force will attack from the North and unite with the Ninth army.
General: The Ninth Army is unable to move North; the enemy army outnumbers us ten to one.
Adolf: Wenck: he will support them with the Twelfth Army.
Generaloberst: But my Führer, the Twelfth Army is heading west to the Elbe.
Adolf: Then tell the army to turn around!
Generaloberst: But we would expose the Western Front!
Adolf: Are you questioning my orders? I believe I made myself clear!