The Best General Weidling Quotes

Joseph: Surrender? Never! This is outrageous! I've conquered Berlin against the Reds several years ago, and will defend the city to the last breath against them! The few hours that I've yet to live as German Chancellor, I will not use them to put my signature on a document of surrender!
General: We must protect the civilian population!
General: The Führer's order is final!
General: No matter what happens, we will protect to the end!
General: We cannot give up!
[Fritzsche steps out to Rochus Misch]
Walter: We have to start negotiations!
Joseph: I repeat: I will never sign to a surrender!
[Burgdorf follows Fritzsche]
Hans: I need you to send a telegraph to Marshal Zhukov immediately.
Rochus: Marshal Zhukov?
General: What's going on here?
Hans: This is madness. We have to give the city to the Russians.
[Burgdorf pulls out a gun]
General: Then I have to shoot you. The Führer commands to prohibit any surrender!
[Wielding grabs Burgdorf's arm as the latter shoots]

General: I am to be shot.

General: My Führer, as a soldier I suggest we try to break through the encirclement. During the fight for Berlin we've already lost 15-20,000 of the younger officers.
Adolf: But that's what young men are for.

Adolf: You see, gentlemen? I'll be proved right. Wenck will come.
[leaves generals]
Adolf: Wenck will come.
[passes by guards who salute to him]
General: I want to immediately know if it's possible for Wenck to attack or not.
General: It's unlikely that Wenck's small force can attack the Red Army...
Joseph: [interrupts Krebs] How dare you say it's unlikely?
General: Wenck has nothing to confront the Red Army!
General: Why don't you tell the Führer? Have you all gone crazy?
General: The Führer knows it himself, but he will never surrender, and we won't either! I went through that before, and once is enough!
General: Come on, I have to get out of here.
[leaves with Mohnke]

Oberleutnant: [after the telephone line is cut] Orders, sir?
General: I am to be shot.
Oberleutnant: What? Why?
General: They believe I moved my command post to the West, away from the enemy!
Oberleutnant: Not a bad idea, General.

Generalfeldmarschall: Your report impressed the Führer. He has appointed you commander of Berlin's defenses.
General: I'd rather be shot than have this honor.