The Best Walter Hewel Quotes

Joseph: Surrender? Never! This is outrageous! I've conquered Berlin against the Reds several years ago, and will defend the city to the last breath against them! The few hours that I've yet to live as German Chancellor, I will not use them to put my signature on a document of surrender!
General: We must protect the civilian population!
General: The Führer's order is final!
General: No matter what happens, we will protect to the end!
General: We cannot give up!
[Fritzsche steps out to Rochus Misch]
Walter: We have to start negotiations!
Joseph: I repeat: I will never sign to a surrender!
[Burgdorf follows Fritzsche]
Hans: I need you to send a telegraph to Marshal Zhukov immediately.
Rochus: Marshal Zhukov?
General: What's going on here?
Hans: This is madness. We have to give the city to the Russians.
[Burgdorf pulls out a gun]
General: Then I have to shoot you. The Führer commands to prohibit any surrender!
[Wielding grabs Burgdorf's arm as the latter shoots]

Martin: [reading folder in hand] My Führer, following your decision to stay in Berlin, do I have your approval as Vice Chancellor to immediately take charge of the entire Reich with the necessary power and authority? If I receive no answer by 10 p.m., I will assume that you have been incapacitated. I will serve the well-being of our people and fatherland.
[closes folder and puts it down]
Martin: He's betraying Germany... and you!
Walter: Göring's concern isn't unjustified. If our communication system breaks down, which could happen at any time, we'd be cut off from the world; we could no longer pass on orders.
Joseph: I see it differently. Göring wants to seize power. I never trusted that mob he gathered at Obersalzberg; it stinks of a coup.
Adolf: That failure. That sponger... A parvenu! A lazybones!
[Albert Speer returns while Hitler rants offscreen]
Adolf: How dare he declare me unable to act? Tomorrow he might declare me dead!
Albert: Hello, Frau Junge.
Traudl: Herr Speer. How did you get into Berlin?
Albert: It wasn't easy, but I must speak with the Führer.
Heinz: I'd wait here if I were you.
Adolf: The Luftwaffe... What did he do with it? That was reason enough to execute him! That morphine addict... helped to corrupt this country! And now this...
[Hewel looks down in disappointment]
Adolf: He betrayed me of all people! Me of all people!
Adolf: I want Göring to be deprived of power and removed from office. If I don't survive the war, that man is to be executed at once.

Walter: Why do you want to live on?
Prof. Dr. Ernst: And you? Why do you absolutely want to die?
Walter: You see this?
[shows him a cyanide cap]
Walter: The Führer personally gave it to me!
Prof. Dr. Ernst: [bitter] As last honor?
Walter: ...maybe.